Birthday boy (Pt. II)

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Almost died while writing this. Mad respect for smut writers, I almost fainted out of shame three times. My face and neck are now permanently stained red, and I don't think I can look at anyone in the eye without remembering that I wrote this. Forgive me if it doesn't meet expectations, but I genuinely tried my best while simultaneously looking away out of irrational embarrassment and guilt. And yes, I made it soft cause I'm soft. Also, about 800 words into this, I remembered that in the US you can't drink till you're twenty one so yeah, just assume he has lenient parents.  

Enjoy the story, god knows I suffered for it, and the meme of the day 💙

⚠️ smut warning ⚠️


Mattia passes around the beers his parents had allowed him to share with his friends on his birthday. Today isn't his actual birthday; that day had already passed in between strobing lights and provocative warmth, but the slightly chilly saturday morning was the most convenient time to gather all his friends around for one last time. In less than a month, everyone will go their own way and make a life for themselves in all corners of the country, and thus Mattia can't help but feel bittersweet as he celebrates one more year of life.

As he drinks, his eyes roam around the backyard full of mingling people. His parents had insisted on inviting colleagues and extended family, because not only is Mattia turning eighteen, he is also announcing his college decision for the upcoming fall. He holds back on the drink, knowing this isn't the best time to get tipsy and, like he usually does, spill his heart out to the nearest willing or unwilling listener.  It would do him no good to accidentally confess to his father's associates just how close he is to pinning Kairi to the picket fence and kissing him till he trembles. 

Perhaps Kairi senses his pulsating want, or maybe he reads the piercing gaze Mattia lays upon him, but he turns and returns the stare with a raised eyebrow and cheeks dusted a faint pink. Mattia's mother follows Kairi's eyes and land on the besotted look his son has while he snakes his arm over the shorter's shoulders. She can't help but laugh at the less than secretive affection they share. 

"Oh, to be young and in love again!" Her laughter increases as both boys flush a deep red and studiously avoid her eyes. 

"Et tu, brute? Really, ma?" Mattia asks, and Kairi can't help but dissolve into giggles because only his whatever-they-are would treat a factual statement as a personal betrayal. Mattia's mom only smiles and then walks away, easily blending into conversation with someone else. Kairi takes the opportunity to elbow Mattia, hoping one of his ribs collapse. At the pained huff, he smirks. "Why would you do that, pussy?" Kairi only answers by shaking off the arm around him, as much as he likes it, and he looks up, up and up, at Mattia's grimacing face.

"Cause you're one obvious bitch who can't help himself from staring at someone as if they rather do something else with them!" Kairi means it as a complaint, but Mattia doesn't treat it as one. Instead, he grins suggestively and chuckles. 

"Well... what other things would I rather do?" Mattia raises a hand to Kairi's cheek, yet when his eyes dart around to check who's watching, Mattia remembers he can't do that. His hand drops, brushing against the other's shoulder and then playing with his small fingers. Kairi looks down at their touching hands, and then up again. 

"You're stupid..." Of course, he knows exactly what Mattia is talking about, but he plays dumb because the other option scares him too much. He tries to step away and leave, wanting to avoid the topic, but Mattia grabs his wrist and pulls him in with too much strength, and Kairi ends up stumbling against his chest . "What?" Mattia lets his hand hold on to his small waist.

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