Chapter 1

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(Y/N) POV~
"But the friends I have are here," I say to my Mom. "Well you have old friends there," She looks around my room seeing what else I have left to pack. Currently I am arguing with my Mom. My Dad got a job offer and so we now have to move. We're moving back into our old house, the exact same house we used to live in when I was younger. Which means I'm going to have to also switch school.

"Well I haven't talked to them since we were kids," I cross my arms. My life is fine here. I have friends, my grades are the best they can be I guess, and I am perfectly content with staying here. "We are moving (First, Middle, & Last Name) that is that," My Mom practically yells before storming out of my room. 

I closed the door once she was left and locked it. When we moved here my parents didn't like the idea of me having a lock but it was the smaller of the two bedrooms, and the other one has it's own bathroom. "Why can't we just stay here?" I mutter to myself, leaning against the door. I guess I might as well pack though. 

I had already finished packing a few boxes, and I only had a few things left. We'll b leaving tomorrow. I have a few picture frames that I want to sort through in the corner so I go over with a box and sit down. 

I grab one of them and look at it. In the frame is a picture of me and my friends from school. I could consider them all good friends, and I hate to have to leave them. There are a few pictures of me and my parents, and the rest of my family. I had sorted through almost all of them and had one left. 

In a small frame with puzzle pieces glued around it, was a picture of me as a child with a young boy beside me.I used to be best friends with him when we were little. He used to live just down the street from me.

Daichi Sawamura

I stare at it for another moment and smile before putting it in the box. "Hey (Y/N)," I hear my dad say as he knocks on the door, "Can I come in?" I get up from the corner and unlock my door. "I know you don't want to move, but I got a really good offer," My dad gives me a sympathetic look as he steps into my room. 

"I know," I say looking at the floor. Everyone always tells me that it's a great 'offer' or 'opportunity.' "I'm sure you'll be just fine at Karasuno," My dad tells me, patting my shoulder, "Now anymore boxes"

"Yup," I say grabbing the box and giving it to him. He pauses before leaving, "Please just try to stop arguing with your mom, she seems very stressed right now." "I'll try," I say to him before he walks off with the box.

Karasuno. My new High School

AN- I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. It has been updated from when I originally wrote it. 

Word Count- 540

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