Chapter 2

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(Y/N) POV~
My first day at Karasuno. 

The school year has already begun and I am a third year, so all of the other third years already know each other. I wish I was back at my old school instead of sitting in this classroom with people I don't know. I'm in class 2, and no one has talked to me yet. All they have done is stare and whisper.

"Hello," A girl says to me. She's very pretty and she's also the first person to talk to me, other then the teachers. "Hello," I say with a smile. This could be a chance to actually make a friend here. 

"I'm Kiyoko," She said smiling at me. "(Y/N), it's nice to meet you," I say as I stand up from my desk. "So what school did you used to go too," She asks as we walked out of the classroom since it is the end of the school day. 

"I used to go too Johzenji High," I tell her, we continued to talk and I found out that she's the manager for the boys volleyball team. I walked with her to the gym and we said our goodbyes. I was about to walk away until someone started screaming.

"There's another goddess," I heard someone yell from the gym. I turned around to see two boys rushing out of the gym towards me. "Look at her Tanaka, isn't she beautiful," The shorter one yells once they stopped in front of me. "Not as beautiful as Kiyoko, but she is a goddess," The taller one said. That kinda hurt, but Kiyoko is stunning. 

"You two get back in the gym," Another boy yells at them walking out from the gym. The two boys quickly straighten their posture before running back into the gym. "I'm sorry about them," The boy says to me as he scratches the back of his neck and offers me a smile.

"Oh, it's okay," I say smiling at him. He nodded his head and walked off back into the gym.

~Time Skip~

"So (Y/N), did you make any new friends?" My Mom asked when I get into the house. "I made one, her names Kiyoko," I said putting my bag down and taking off my shoes, "She's really pretty."

"Well she sounds lovely," My Mom smiles at me as she walks into the kitchen. "She is, I gotta go call someone," I said running up to my room. When I close the door, I jumped onto my bed and called one of my friends from Johzenji High.

"(Y/N) how's Karasuno so far?" My friend, Sara, asked. "It's okay," I said as I laid down on my bed, "These two boys called me a goddess, though"

"Well you are one!" Sara tells me, "You know it's not the same at Johzenji without you." I laugh a little, "Ya, it feels weird going to Karasuno." 

"Well, that's beside the point, did you meet any cute guys?" She asks and I can already see her attempting to wiggle her eyebrows at me. "Well not really, actually no! There was this one guy that apologized for the two who called me a goddess, since they were a bit, overly enthusiastic?" I said.

"Really? What's his name? Are you guys dating? Are you pregnant with his children?!?" She started yelling excitedly and I had to hold the phone away from my ear. Sara can be a bit, not exactly much, but... you know? 

"I don't know his name, I am not dating him, and I am not pregnant with his children," I shake my head. "Okay, well you better keep me updated," She says. "I will, don't worry"

AN- Thank you so much for reading. This chapter has also been updated.

Word Count~ 628

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