Chapter 12

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(Y/N) POV~
Karasuno has played about two teams in the Spring High Preliminaries so far. They won both games and are now about to play Johzenji.

I was walking with the team into the building when Yachi asks me something, "So who are you cheering for? I know you used to go to Johzenji, but now you go to Karasuno, and you're dating Daichi."

"I... well," I think about it for a bit. I could totally cheer for both. I know the Karasuno boys really appreciate anyone cheering for them, and Daichi loves it when I do. And Johzenji, I know everyone there, but I also know everyone at Karasuno.

I think back to one time in my second year when I wasn't able to make it to a game, and they didn't notice until they started asking me if I saw certain plays, and I had to tell them I wasn't there.

"Karasuno, but I could cheer for both," I say to her.

Hinata started running towards the building with Kageyama following. I looked back to Yachi before I heard someone talk.

"Hey cutie pie! You forgot to give me your number the other day!"

That voice... the person that voice belongs to... the demon with a tongue piercing.

I look towards where Hinata is and see Terushima shoving Hinata's head to the side well he waves towards us... at Kiyoko.

"Oh! I love it when you blush!" He smiles at Kiyoko. I look over at Tanaka and Noya to see them just about ready to rip him in half. They start running towards Terushima, ready to just that. But Daichi yells at the two of them and they freeze.

"S-Stop that! I'm really sorry about that," Hana says to us, pushing Terushima aside and offering an apologetic smile.

"Well then see you around Karasuno," Terushima send a wink Kiyoko's way before walking away.

"Just fully ignored over her!" I say, making a scene out of it. "Oh, (Y/N)!" Hana says waving at me, "Can I talk to you later after the game maybe? I'm sorry I have to go right now"

"It's fine," I say smiling at her, "You go!"

"You know them? I mean, you're friends with them?" Yachi says.

"Ya, Hana's a good friend of mine and since she's the team manager for Johzenji I'd watch them play most of the time before I cam to Karasuno," I said smiling at her as we walk inside.

I really shouldn't have expected Terushima to even notice that I was a human being when I was next to Kiyoko... he gets distracted by girls easily.

~Time Skip~
After a long game Karasuno ended up winning. Yachi and I jumped up and down excitedly together before running down to congratulate the team.

I feel bad for Johzenji though, I know who they are but I'm still happy Karasuno won.

I was running up to Karasuno when Terushima popped out at me.

"Oh Terushima.. I'm sorry you guys lost, but you still did great," I said giving him a small smile.

"We'll beat them next time," He said smiling at me.

I can tell that he's sad that they lost but is still keeping a smile on.

"So do you want to come out with the team and get something eat?" He asked.

"Sure, I'm just going to congratulate the team first," I said smiling at him.

I walked over to the team and Tanaka and Noya ran behind me and stared at Terushima.

"Down boys," I say with a laugh as I pull them with me.

"How did I do?" Noya and Tanaka asked me when we got to the rest of the team.

"You all did great," I said smiling at everyone.

I walked up to Daichi and hugged him, "Good job," I said smiling.


"I'm gonna go out to eat with Johzenji's team, okay?" I said looking at him, "If you want we can hang out at my house after"

"Okay," He said seeming somewhat upset.

"(Y/N)!" I heard one of the boys from Johzenji yell. I turned around and looked at him then looked back at Daichi, "Okay see you later, congratulations on winning everyone!"

I said as I ran towards my old friends.

~Time Skip~ brought to you by my laziness
I had finished eating with everyone and was walking into my house I turned on the lights and walked into the kitchen.

I saw a note on the counter so I grabbed it as I walked up to my room. It said that my parents were out with their friends and wouldn't be back for a long time.

I got changed into something different from what I was wearing and grabbed my phone. I texted Daichi saying that if he wanted to come over he could.

I sat down on my couch and turned the tv on and looked for a movie to watch. I heard a knock at the door and got up and opened the door to see Daichi.

I let him in and we sat down on the couch and looked for a movie.

"What do you want to watch?" I asked him as I laid my head down on his lap.

"I don't care," He said seeming kinda upset.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I turned back to the tv and started a random movie.

"Ya I'm fine," He said.

"Okay.... you know you did great today," I said pulling a blanket over me as the movie started.

We watched he movie for awhile but something seemed off with Daichi.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked looking at him.

"Yes," he said still seeming upset.

I sat up and paused the movie and threw the blanket onto the ground. I turned to Daichi and looked at him.

"Tell me," I said staring at him.

"I said I'm fine," he said reaching for the remote. I grabbed it and threw it across the room hearing it hit the wall.... oops.

"No you're not, now tell me," I said, still staring at him. He sat there quietly for a second before going to get up.

"I'm gonna go to the washroom," He said. I jumped on him pushing him down onto the couch and looked at him.

"I am not allowing you to leave this couch until you tell me," I said looking at him.

"(Y/N) I'm fine," He said, and I tilted my head to the side looking at him, he sighed and looked at me, "It just seems like you like that Terushima guy from Johzenji, I know your friends but, I just can't help it"

"Ew, Why would I want to date Terushima," I say without thinking.

I've known Terushima for a few years, I actually ended up going to the same school as him before High School. Even though he's a year younger then me we still managed to become friends, but the thought of dating him... just no. Anyways I've seen most of the girls he's dated and how many in a short time span.

"We're just friends, I met him about a year after I moved away from you, and I would never trade you for him," I said hugging Daichi as he hugged me back.

"(Y/N) can I make we make another promise?" He asked and I looked at him and nodded.

"Promise me that one day you'll allow me to marry you," He said.

"I promise that one day I'll allow you to marry me," I said holding up my pinkie.

"I pinkie promise"

I'm so sorry I haven't updated for awhile
I started school again
And then I got a cold
I was just going through a little bit of a rough spot (that's the right words right?)
But I'm back
Anyways thanks for reading
I hope you enjoyed this chapter
Word Count- 1205

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