Error x Virus reader

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Hey sorry this took so long and it is not as good as I wanted it to be. I'm pretty sure I messed your request up sorry I'm having to do this at nighttime cuz they had me work all day and I am tired as heck but here you go!

Trapped. In a virtual world..never able to reach beyond the digital world, not able to touch a be anything more than this...thing. “I just want to be let go...Please..” you hugged your arms as you closed your eyes.








“God I hate these stupid Anomalies..” Error groaned with a glitch as he scanned through the different au’s. “Nothing...nothing…” He stopped at an au that didn't seem to have anything. “What happened to this on-” “Oh! That was an au I was working on!! I accidently messed it up and now it's pretty much a glitched up world.” Error stopped for a moment before yelling. “AHHHHHHH!”  Ink laughed falling onto the bean bag. “Hahaha your face!” Error glared at him hating ink the most out of every anomaly he knew. “Ink!! Wtf!? Don’t just pop up in my anti void! What are you doing here!?” “Well I got bored and I saw you looking across that au and since I can’t go the-” Error looked confused before looking back at the screen seeing a small area with dark black and green glitches appearing. “Why can’t you go there?” Ink tilted his head not knowing what he was talking about. “Uhh what were we talking about again?” Error annoyed as he was, slapped ink. “We were talking about the stupid au you fucking messed up you gay ass ranbow!" Ink had a blank expression before finally having a train of thought. “Oh yeahhh!! ….hey wait! Don’t call me that!” Ink huffed before looking back at the screen. “Yeah I can’t go there because I may have made some glitches in there that turned into well viruses. And it just so happens that they can escape on another body that enters soo…” Error looked at the au wondering why he had never seen it before. “Huh...wait ink?” He scanned around to the point where he could see. “The idiot left” He groaned falling back onto the bean bag, closing the window. “Well at least now that he's gone I can finally enjoy my favorite show and stolen delicious chocolate.” He clicked on his tv as he munched on for some much needed rest and relaxation. He chuckled at the show as he slowly fell asleep. 

  “H-Huh? Where the hell am I?” He opened his eyes confused as he sat up in a grey anti void. He looked down as he lifted his arm up with black water dripping from his coat as he noticed an inch of black water filled the empty void. He saw a skeleton like shape made from pixels of dark green and black. “What the hell are you?” He got up walking towards it as it seemed to back up slightly. He reached his hand out to it only to hear a piercing screech and tackled from a large dark blue mass of pixels. “G-Gah!” He awoke clutching his chest as sweat dripped down his skull. “What….what the hell was that?” He looked to his side to see his window opened to the glitched au. “Okay you stupid au..” He stood up and opened his portal walking into the au and looking around. “See fucking nothing here..I don’t know why ink was so worried.” He looked around and swore he saw a mix of black and dark green colors just in the corner of his eye. “This is stupid i’m leaving” He walked back through his portal and closed it flopping down on the ground and putting an arm over his eyes with a groan. ‘Munch munch’ “Mm hey this is pretty good!” He lifted his arm from his head with a confused look. “What the-” Next to him you were sitting down next to him eating his chocolate bar he was eating earlier. “Hiya” You smiled. “…………..” “Um….now you say something..? Maybe…?” You looked confused as his eyes filled with little errors and he well... screeched? “Ahhh! How did you get here!?”  You stood up as error got a good look at your...H/c hair..e/c pinpricks..your right eye socket seemed to be covered up by dark green and black glitches..”Wait your the-!” You smiled. “Yup! Name’s Y/n, Thanks for releasing me from there it was painful” He looked the most confused he had ever in his life. “You’re- But- I- How?- What..?” He stood up looking at you as you followed his every move. “You’re- But- I- hehe, you're weird and funny you know that? What's your name?” 

  “I guess call me error..” And oh boy let's just say from that day on errors life got more interesting everyday. You usually stayed in the anti void while error went out. Sometimes it would be just minutes, hours or maybe a day or two, He ended up studying your glitches and your soul to find out if you could actually survive out of the anti void. Yeah it was a bit awkward at times before he got ink to build a house for you to live in. Ink had ended up being the only other one to know about you error and kind of threatened to kill him if he didn’t keep it a secret. 

“Okay well we have the other info on you I just need to see your soul” Error said as you covered your chest with your arms and shook your head. “Y/n?? Whats wrong?” He asked you as you had a small blush on your face. “W-Well ink told me that you usually show your soul to your partner..” Error groaned hating ink for teaching you things. “Well...kind of...but also for health purposes too.” He blushed a light yellow hue knowing that pretty much asking to see someone's soul was not only looking at their life force but touching it.. “Let me see yours…” His blush grew. “W-What?” He asked with a small stutter. “I’ll only let you see my soul if you show me yours…” He sighed. “Is this really the only way?” You nodded like a little kid having to get paid to go somewhere. He looked away as his blush darkened as he summoned his soul into his hands and held it towards you as you gently took his soul into your hands. You allowed him to summon yours and look at it. While error was looking at your soul for any major glitches that could affect you if you left you kinda...couldn’t help yourself. Your pressed your thumbs against his soul softly. It felt weird but nice, souls had a unique texture to them. You felt error take his soul back quickly. “Err-” “Never do that!” You flinched, he never yelled at you before. “S-Sorry error..” He sighed, returning your soul to you and hugged you with a small flinch; he wasn’t quite used to being touched as he hated it but with you...he didn’t mind. “I-Its fine i’m sorry, I just didn’t expect you to do that and the soul is very..sensitive”

  You buried your head into his scarf. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that. I know you only do that when you love a person an-” He cut you off. “Well who said I didn’t love you?” You looked at him as he cuffed the side of your skull/cheek (i dunno what u wanna call it) with his hand. “Well..I didn’t think you loved me back since every time I would get affectionate towards you, you left for days..” Error sighed and pressed his ‘lips’ against yours as you leaned into him wrapping your arms around his scarf as he wrapped his hands around your waist. You two soon parted with a few small pants. “I only did that because I didn’t want to be rejected by you and if I stayed all the time my feelings would have kept growing” You blushed dark as he nuzzled his skull into the side of your neck. You smiled with a giggle. “I love you error”










“See I told you they would get together!!” Ink smiled proudly. “Wait so she’s a dangerous virus from a universe you messed up and we’re not going to worry?” Dream asked as ink stopped for a moment. “....What were we talking about??” 

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