Killer x gardentale reader part 2

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Killer’s p.o.v
‘That girl..I should keep an eye on her…’ He looked down at his wrapped arm as he held his soul. This was weird...He’s emotionless..why does his soul feel..strange?? “I should get back to nightmare” He mumbled teleporting back off to the castle as he heard nightmares growl. “Where were you?” He asked clearly pissed off. “I was trying to find that damned gardentale you wanted but I accidentally ended up in harvesttale” He shrugged as nightmare grabbed his injured arm with a tentacle and inspected it. “What the hell’s this?” Nightmare said as he ripped his arm away from him. “The sans there attacked me” he simply said as he walked off to his room. Nightmare narrowed his eye as he didn’t like what he saw as he slipped away into the darkness.

It had been two days since that incident and you were once again in the garden. You were weeding some of the rows as harvey was in town. “Phew..” You wiped your forehead clean from the beads of sweat with your garden rag. “It sure is hot out today..I wish we could at least get some rain.” You sighed while you grabbed a bucket. I should go get some water for tonight.” You wiped your hands off as you jumped over the brick wall and headed into the forest. In about 3 minutes it took to get the the river. You filled the bucket with water as you poured it into the water filter you and harvey had made. “Hmm nhm hm” You hummed to yourself as you went to get another bucket of water only to drop it out of shock as you heard a voice behind you. “Ah!” You quickly turned around to see the skeleton from yesterday called killer. “Oh thank god it’s just you” You sighed with a hand resting on your chest. “I thought you were some kind of wild animal.” You looked up at him as he helped you up. “Oh sorry about that..” He seemed strange, like he had no emotions? “So what are you doing here?” You asked clearly puzzled on why he was back here. “Oh how is your arm?” You started talking again before he could speak. “It’s healed..I Actually wanted to..thank you for helping me yesterday” He looked away not meeting your gaze. “Oh, no problem” You smiled as you saw his fully healed arm. “I’m glad it’s healed” You turned around and grabbed the two buckets of water as they were..well kinda heavy. He watched while it was a bit of a pain for you to have to lift them. You felt the weight of them disappear as you looked up and saw the skeleton holding them with ease. “I’m heh..not the strongest…” You said with a light blush as you looked away, rubbing the back of your head. You saw killer smile a small bit. “They’re kind of heavy so don’t rule yourself out as weak just yet” You looked at him with a smile. “Heh thanks..wanna come with me back to the house or..?”  He seemed hesitant. “Don’t worry bro is out for a bit in town then he’s visiting papy” He nodded. “Sure” He followed you back to the house as you had him set the buckets down by the barrels as you led him inside. “It’s not much but it’s home” You grabbed a cup of fresh grape juice and looked at him. “Do you..want one?” You didn’t get a response but handed him one anyhow as he looked at it dazed. “Uhh are you okay??” You asked in question. “....Yeah..” He responded with just one word as he started to drink it, confused on why you would just...give it to him.. “Normally where I live you have to fight over food..or at least something that could be called food.” He mumbled as you heard and gave him a look of sorrow. “Oh..that doesn’t sound very good.. Well if you need anything you can always come here!” You spoke happily. “Your not mad that I tried to kill your brother?” He asked, wondering why you were so..nice to him? You shrugged to his words. “I mean I don’t like it that you tried to kill my brother but...You said that you didn’t mean to kill him directly so your don’t seem that bad of a guy^^” You saw a light red color flush across his cheeks. “T-Thanks I guess..” 

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