Killer x gardentale reader part 1

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You hummed as you sat on the brick wall on the outside garden watching you sans work in his garden, He was like a brother to you because he had taken care of you when him and his brother papyrus had found you wandering in the forest. He wore bright green gardening boots along with a  blue shirt and a mix color of green/brown capris along with his bright green fluffy coat that actually kept him cool on hot days and warm on freezing days. But right now you had it because he didn’t want it to get mud on it while he was picking the turnips. “Hey bro do we have any squash for tonight??” You asked him as he put a turnip in the harvesting basket. “Hmm I think we may have some left from our harvest yesterday why don’t I go check sis?” He smiled as he picked up the harvest basket and headed into the back shed. You looked around to see the wonderful garden you and harvey have been working on since papy moved away onto another farm with ton ton. You two had a nice cottage with a few flowers surrounding it as a brick wall was around the large garden you and Harvey as you liked to call him since he loved the garden at least 100x more than you did. And you worked out here everyday unless you had to go to the store or clean the mess you two made in the kitchen when you would cook a large meal for all of your friends. You clocked your head to the shed as you heard a loud clunk of things falling. “Bro??” You got down as you walked to the shed and opened the door trying to peer into the darkness. “Harvey are you oka-” You opened the door as you saw him pinned against the wall by another skeleton with no pin pricks and tar running down his eyes. “Harvey!!” You ran towards your brother as the other skeleton jumped back, You held your arms out to block Harvey out of the way. “Are you okay bro!?” You asked, turning your head back to harvey. “Yeah i’m fine sis but watch out for him” He stood up next to you as you looked back at the skeleton that seemed to be muttering curses. “Dammit this isn’t the right au! Why do all the garden au’s look so alike!?” He groaned as you had seen blood drip onto the floor. You looked at him seeing blood drip from his arm. “Come on sis lets leave” Harvey quickly pulled you out of the harvest shed as the skeleton was distracted. "Bro who was that?" You asked, obviously confused. He sighed and looked at you. "That was killer, part of a gang called the nightmare gang...they go around destroying au's for their enjoyment.." You looked at Harvey who met your eyes. "I'm just glad you're okay" you hugged him as he nodded as you two rushed to the house in case he had changed his mind and wanted to kill you and Harvey. Time had passed as you and Harvey were now working on dinner still keeping an eye out for the skeleton. "I'll be back bro I'm gonna go see if we have any extra thyme in the pantry." You told him as he quickly grabbed your arm. "But what if he's out there." You hugged him quickly and let go. "Bro I'll be fine the pantry is just on the side of the house I'll yell if anything happens okay?" He seemed hesitant but nodded. "But if your not back by 5 minutes I'm checking on you" You rolled your eyes playfully. "Okay mom" You chuckled as he huffed. You headed off to the pantry. You started to look around as you went through the herbs. " paprika, cinnamon, pepper, peppermint, no thyme.." You started to look a bit further as you could see some in the back. "Ah-ha!" You smiled successfully as you searched your upper body in the back of the herbs but quickly jolted hearing a container fall. You quickly lifted your head up hitting the shelf and groaned in pain as you lifted your front body from it as you looked back. You quickly tried your best to move back as you saw the skeleton standing there looking at the jar that he had knocked over. His eyes moved up as he looked at you. “Oh shit..uh hey?” He awkwardly said as you reached for a small harvesting knife. “Come on I’m not here to harm you.” You growled at him. “ You tried to kill my brother” He sighed and shook his head. “It wasn’t my fault all you gardentales look alike.” He reached towards you as he grabbed the knife away, you grabbed onto his arm pushing it away as he hissed in pain. You looked down at his arm seeing the large cut he must have gained from your brother. Even though he was a bad guy you still hated seeing creatures injured..”Hold still” You told him as he looked down confused. You used the knife to cut a piece of your apron as you wrapped his arm up. “There” You said trying your best to move away from him as it had looked like he was about to say something you heard harveys voice. “Y/n?? Are you okay?” He was getting closer as you saw the skeleton move to the back to try and be hidden as much as possible. You pushed him between the carrots and potatoes as you poked your head out of the side of the harvest pantry. “Yep! Just looking for the thyme! It’’s in the way back I guess we didn’t get to harvest enough” You smiled at harvey. “Oh okay, Just making sure you’re alright” he smiled as you waved him back off to the kitchen. “Phew..” you looked back to see the skeleton gone. “Guess he left..” You mumbled as you grabbed the thyme and headed back to the kitchen.

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