Killer x gardentale reader part 3

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“By the way my name's y/n, y/n l/n.” You reached your hand out to him. He looked down at your hand for a few seconds before shaking it. “Killer..” And this continued. He left after that and two days later he returned once again while your brother had been gone. This happened day after day soon enough, he met your brother fully and as Harvey didn’t really like him he did see that you cared for killer as a close friend already so he had decided to leave it alone. You showed him the animals, the forest, all the many things you were working on. Hell you even got him to help with the gardening. Although you did have him try to help you cook dinner...Oh my god that day was….yeah.. You two shared many moments together that you loved, Exactly like the one three days ago when he took you to a place called outertale.

You sat with killer on the blanket that was placed on the grass. “Wow this view is amazing!” You simply said gazing at the memorizing starts spread out in the sky as if the heavens created a masterpiece with all of the beautiful childlike wonder that roamed the earth heavenly nighttime lights. “ really is..” Killer said but with his eye sockets set on something more beautiful than the sky. You. Everything about you he loved, your happiness, your caring soul, your selfness for others like him and the many animals he has seen you take care of. You shook slightly from the cold of the breeze. “Heh a bit chilly..But it was worth it to see this nighttime sky” You smiled as you felt something drape around your shoulders. “Huh..?” You looked at the coat and then turned your eyes towards killer. ‘He gave me his coat..?’ He blushed lightly looking away from you. “Skeletons don’t really get cold..” You smiled as you placed your hand on his. “Thank you kills” He smiled at the nickname you had given him as you leaned into him, he wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you two looked back up at the sky.

 Killer soon found himself going to visit you even more often than normal. He felt something in his soul, happiness..Not like when he got rid of au’s or beat the shit out of dust for stealing his lunch or burning errors puppets. He loved you? But how He was supposed to be emotionless.. He questioned it as just the thought of you brought a smile to his face. Once again he was going to visit you as nightmare stopped him. “And where do you think you're going?” He asked with a low growl. “I was just going out to-” “Shut it!” Nightmare snapped at him. “Follow me now” he ordered as he dragged killer to the throne room and opened it to see dust and horror there, knife to your throat as you were chained up. “Y/n!” Killer tried to get to you but he was held back by nightmare. “I know you’ve been sneaking off to her little au instead of doing your work. And you’ve been..developing some feelings towards her..” He wrapped a tentacle around your neck. “Now that doesn’t work.” Killer looked at you meeting your eyes with worry. “Nightmare please..” He reached his hand towards you as nightmare let go of you and snapped his fingers. Dust pressed the knife deeper into the skin of your neck as you whimpered in pain, blood drizzled down your neck. “Stop it!!” Killer yelled as he stepped towards you. “Please!” Dust grinned as nightmare growled. “You know what has to happen.” He said as killer looked to the ground. He couldn’t lose you… “Fine! Just leave her alone! Please!” he begged as nightmare appeared behind him and wrapped his tentacle around his soul and started to crush it lightly as killer tried to hold in his screams of pain. “Gah!” He winced in pain as dust released the knife from your neck. You watched in misery as the light from killer faded. “Killer!” You ran towards him as you watched the goop form over his soul. Killer didn’t show any emotion as you ran up to him. “Killer? Killer? Please!” You gripped onto his coat as you only saw tears in his eye sockets. “..........” You started to tear up. “Killer please! It’s me!” You cried into his jacket. “P-Please..” You watched as the other ones left the room with a grin. He pushed you away lightly but you kept your grip. “Please..fight it..p-please..” You fell to the ground on your knees as you kept your grip on his coat. “I-I love you..” ‘click’ ‘W-What..?’ “I love you killer please don’t leave me..” Your arms slumped to your side. You looked up as you felt a hand on your shoulder. “I’ve never seen you cry..but I don’t like it.” You were lifted up and hugged by killer. “I love you y/n..” He pressed his teeth against your lips as you melted into it. “K-Killer..?” He smiled. “There’s nothing he could ever do to make me forget you..” He kissed you again as you wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned into it as you pulled apart.

“So what now??” He asked their leader as he looked at the two. “I guess we have a new member,” He grinned. “Lets see how long she stays pure" Nightmare chuckled as killer glaced to the door his grip becoming tighter on you.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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