singer! dust x semi depressed reader part 1

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Your name was y/n and you had lived in a small apartment where your best friend dust came to stay sometimes to hangouts with you or when being chased by fans. Yup you heard me, fans. He’s a famous singer. It was actually a funny story on how you two met….

Dust ran from the crowd of girls yelling out his name and chasing after him. “Dusty!!” “We love you!!” “Sign my chest!” He jumped over a gate as he sighed happily seeing them run past. “Why is that always so terrifying..” He mumbled as he felt a drip of water drop onto the rim of his ‘nose’ “huh-” He was cut off as he looked up seeing a bucket of water fall on top of him. “Ahh!” He yelled as the water soaked his clothes. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry!” A female with h/l h/c hair jumped down from the third story of the apartment. “I’m so sorry sir! I was trying to water my plants!” She sighed lightly, shaking his arm. “It’s fine it’s fine-” His eyes met her as a light blush dusted his cheeks. ‘W-Woah….’ He thought as she tried to dry him off a small bit with a hand towel. “I’m sorry sir, would you like to come inside to dry off?” She asked in question as his head tilted. “You don’t know who I am do you..?” He asked her with a small smile as she shook her head. “No? Sorry I don’t know you sir but I would like to not have you soaking wet from my garden watering can so please follow me.” She told him in a soft and gentle voice as she held his hand leading him up a few flights of stairs to her apartment. She opened the door as she told him not to move. He nodded as she ran off, he looked around and spotted a picture of what looked like her and an older lady. “Huh...must be her aunt..” He mumbled looking at a small signature on it. ‘Happy 16th birthday sweetheart! You best find yourself a nice boyfriend or girlfriend! Make sure he’s good in the downstairs department ;) Love, your aunt grace^^’ He smiled with a chuckle at the note. The girl ran back with a towel and some clean looking male clothes. “Sorry this is all I have... I hope it works!” She smiled handing it to him as he took off his coat. She pointed to a room to the left. “That's the bathroom if you want to change there.” She told him as he quickly went in and changed into black shorts and a dark blue shirt. He watched as she took his old clothes into the back and he guessed it would be the dryer from the noise of it?? She ran back with a smile on her face. “Sorry I forgot to introduce myself, It’s Y/n. I know you didn’t ask but I just feel like it would be nice to know each other from something else than well random girl and sir” He couldn’t help but smile at her kind hearted and sweet soul. “My name's dust.” He had been surprised that she didn’t know nor recognize him from his name. “Well dust can I get you anything? Since well..I practically doused you in water..heh” He shook his head as he sat down on the couch after she had. “No thanks I’m fine” He smiled. “So...what were you running from?” She asked, tilting her head. “Huh??” He was confused. Did she see him running?? “Well I saw you out of breath and you were repeatedly looking back and forth and you seemed to be sweating a tad bit, along with a look of relief. So I was just asking if you were running from something?” He was impressed she could tell all of that from the few first seconds you two had even met. “Eh nothing really…” He lied, not wanting you to find out who he was just yet..He wanted to see if you and him could become friends from not only how famous he was.

A few years had passed from that and you're almost 20, your birthday is actually tomorrow! You were NOT as formal as you were back then..heh Dust had his birthday last week so you were determined to catch up to him. Yes you now knew he was a famous singer from an incident at the movies but that didn’t change your mind. You liked him for who he was...And I mean you REALLY liked him. But sadly you knew that he had a lot of much cuter fangirls that had crushes on him too..even more rich..I mean hell you live in an apartment and he barely even got to make it to his birthday. And he had to leave in the middle of it! You sighed as you held your pillow to your chest as you took one last look at your phone.

‘Last text message was one week ago’

Dusty<3: Hey n/n I won't be able to make it for the next few days, I have a lot of work todo and I need to get as much rest as I can. I'll be back in two weeks alright?

Y/n: Oh...Thats okay!^^ I'll see you when you get back I guess!

Dusty<3: Welp gotta go,  A fan paid us to have me sing at her house next week on b/d for her cats birthday so stupid..well bye n/n!

Y/n: Okay...bye dust...^^

You clenched your pillow tight. ‘Did he forget about your birthday…?’ "Of coruse he forgot! Your nothing!" The voices yelled at you. “Just leave me alone!” You yelled back as you pulled the blanket over your head and tried your best to fall asleep. After an hour of them yelling at you, you fell asleep as nightmares haunted your mind.

Dust p.o.v.

I sat there looking at my phone as I re-red some of the text..

'Last active one hour ago'

My crush❤❤: Okay..bye dust..^^

”She was active an hour ago..” I mumbled to myself as I mentally hated myself for not texting her back for the past week... “Calm down dude she’ll be fine.” Horror tried to comfort me as I just shook my head. “But I haven’t seen her at all this week and her birthday’s tomorrow! How are we going to have this done in time!” I groaned, hitting my head on my desk. “And what if she says no!?” I hit my head again as I felt horror slap me. “Dude you guys have been friends for what 4 years now? And she’s a girl dude you’ll be fine. Plus if you back out now everyone will fucking kill you for all this dumb shit work we had to put into this.” He told me as I slightly felt that was supposed to be a threat..”Yeah yeah I know…” I said as I held it in my hand. “....I just hope this works..” I muttered to himself.

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