Chapter 1) teams meet

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🧡Dessa's pov
     I was currently running laps around the abandoned warehouse we live in. Reason? I. Ate. Too. Much. Sugary. Food. My. Dudes. Yeah so I'm on probably around my 40th lap. Also, I'm in my cat form. Because in my cat form is easier to run, run quickly, be agile, quiet, speedy, and I look cool. My cat form is around the size of two cats together, or a pretty big main coon (those can get really big honestly, you should search it up, it's amazing lol). My cat form is still only one fourth the size of Illinois's wolf form. Her wolf form is pretty big! Her head goes to just under China's shoulder! Also Illinois has a really pretty coat pattern(her fur)! Illinois is very, very shy, but she is definitely the strongest of us all! She loves to fight and beat up ur punching bag, she even has a six pack! But she doesn't like it when I tell people, hehe. China is the leader of the group, she is also the daughter of the famous Jade DeTenzen. China DeTenzen, what a weird yet awesome name! She doesn't tell people her identity usually at first, only if she knows them well enough to trust them. Saylor is part robot and she can control electronics! She is so cool! And she helped me make my computer, and PC, and tv, and headset, and gaming system, and videogame controller, and my YouTube account, and a camera, and my YouTube account gets us bunches of money since it has all those subscribers! So Im lovin' my life!
  "Girls y'all wanna go out for a bit?" China asked. "Oh yeah boy!" I shout excitedly and Saylor giggles at my energy. "Sure" Illi (Illinois) says. "Why not" Saylor says. "Alright grab your weapons and let's go!" China says happily and we all rush to grab our weapons. I turn back to human, well, as human as I can get since I still have ears and tail. I place my Meridian axes in their holders and run to the front door. "Let's go, let's go, let's go!!!" I shout jumping up and down. After a bit all of the pack is down and we leave the 'home' we made. We can't be out in the open especially during the day since we are mutants and all. We go out onto the rooftops and after a few minutes of jumping I can tell Illi wants to fight something. Suddenly we see the purple idiots, er, I don't remember the name. We all wait for China's signal and the second she signals Illi is already jumping to the ground. I laugh silently a little before jumping down. I grip my Meridian Axes tighter as I fight one away. After I knock him out, which only took about fourty seconds I see that Illi already knocked out two and has a smirk on her face. Ah, typical Illi. I smile slightly before attacking another. While we fight in the shadows the two people they were trying to rob ran off. Meh, I didn't really care if they did honestly but it seemed to annoy my sisters more than me. After the purple dumbasses retreat we climb back onto the roof, well I use my spiderweb and I'm the first up. After that we are about to jump off when Illinois stopped us.

❤️ Illinois's pov
       We had just finished the fight and it felt good to let my anger out on a bunch of jerks. Anyways we were about to head off when my wolf ears heard a noise. I stopped the girls and listened closely. I heard voices, I motioned that I heard something and we all went silently towards the sound. We hid behind an air box on top of a roof and listened. "So you're saying you saw four girls fighting?" One voice said. "Yeah dude! And they were awesome! One of them took out two of the pg's in less than a minute!" Another more childish voice said. I smirked knowing he was talking about me. "Hey, uh, where's Raph?" I hear a third voice say. Then I hear quite almost silent footsteps behind us. I turn around and growl, "what was that?" I hear the first voice say. The pack already turned around by now and I heard the doorsteps move before jumping out and onto me. "Aye! What the hell are you?!" I shout flipping it off of me and pinning the giant turtle down with a Kama to his throat. He growls and three other turtles come over, "uh, hi?" One says making my attention turn to him. Three other turtles are standing next to me with weapons out, and orange masked turtle with nunchucks, a purple masked turtle with a bo staff, and a blue masked turtle with twin katanas. I narrowed my eyes at them but didn't let my grip on the red masked one who tried to attack me. I'm good at doing multiple things at once. "Woah dude, their turtles!" Dessa said. "Okay then" China said. "Are you gonna hurt is turtle dudes?" Dessa asked. "Not unless your sister? Let's our brother go" the blue masked one said calmly. My sisters looked at me and I sighed. I growled and let the red masked turtle up, he was very angry. I put my kamas back in their holders with a small, barely noticeable, smirk on my face that no one else could possibly see. "I'm Leonardo but you can call me Leo. And these are my brothers, Donatello, or Donnie/Don. Michaelangelo, or Mikey. And Raphael, or Raph" the blue masked one said. Raph grunted while Mikey cheerfully said hi. Donnie has a gap tooth smile and leo gave a, uhm, full tooth smile? "I'm China and this is my pack, we have Dessa or Des. Saylor. And there's Illinois" China said. The turtles nodded, well, Raph didn't. "Okay uh, are you working for anyone?" Leo asked. China raised a brow, "no. Why?" She said. Leo then said, "cool, I just need to make sure your all safe and stuff". China gave a small confused smile and slowly nodded. "Right, well we gotta get going, maybe we can see you again sometime.. bye!" China said running off. I waved a little while Saylor and Dessa said bye. Then we ran after China leaving the turtles slightly confused I'm assuming.

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