Chapter 4) Turtles captured?!

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(they all are starting to get feelings for each other)

💙 China's pov
       I was just chilling on the couch watching TV when my phone buzzed. I check it and Leo texted me, but it wasn't a normal text.

Leo: sbh. Hellp km.

I panicked slightly since he's kinda my crush it made me scared. "Girls we gotta go!" I shout. Soon the girls are all at the door. "What's wrong?" Illinois asks. "Leo texted me that he needs help so we're going to the lair", I say and the girls nod.

❤️ Illinois's pov
      When China said that I got nervous since I secretly have a small crush on Raph. I mean I know he can handle himself but they did text for help! We all rush to the guys lair. We run in and it's all a mess with ruble everywhere and splinter is trapped under ruble! "Splinter!" I shout as I run over. The girls gasp and Dess comes over to help me while Saylor and China look around for the boys. I lift the bigger parts of rocky ruble of of splinter and Dess helps. "Dess check his pulse" I say. She nods and checks, "it's barley there dude!" She says scared. I hear footsteps coming towards the lair but I really don't care right now. We just finished getting the rubble off of splinter. "Saylor come here!" I shout and I hear the footsteps run towards the lair. I make sure splinter is all good and Saylor runs over. Then just at the same time I say, "get Donnie's first aid kit" the figures walk in. Saylor runs to the lab and two humans walk in. "Who are you?!and what happened?!" The girl yelled taking out her weapons. "I have no clue and who the hell are you?!" I say annoyed while Dessa checks the kitchen. Dessa runs out, "dudes who are you guys?" She asks. "I'm Casey Jones, but call me Casey~" the boy says smirking at me and I roll my eyes. Then the girls says, "I'm April". Dessa then says, "oh dude! You're that April girl!" April looks confused but nods. Dessa says cool and April looks at me confused, and Saylor takes care of splinter. I mumble annoyed things under my breath before China walks back out. "Okay I have no clue where th- who are you?" China says. I say, "that's April and dumbass" and Casey pouts while Dessa laughs. "I'm Casey" he says. "Right, well we should probably find the guys now" China says. Saylor then says, "I'll stay to make sure splinter is okay". I nod, "let's go then" I say and we all run out the door, besides Saylor. Casey and April also follow.

🧡 Dessa's pov
   Eventually we end up at Shredders lair. The turtles are chained up and Shredder's in front of them. "Dess now" China says. Casey and April look confused but I just shoot webs to the bars in the ceiling and April whispers, "woah". "I'm going in dudes" I whisper before swinging down. "The turtles look confused, "yoo hoo! Over here shred head!" I shout. I growls and turns around, "who are you?!" He asks walking towards me. I smile, "who asks?" I say. He growls and raises his claw things to strike but I quickly shoot another web and swing away laughing. "SHES SPIDERMAN!" Mikey shouts. Shredder then is about to hit me I just keep swinging around the room. Shredder calls for back up and the rest of the girls, and Casey, jump down. Shredder's dumb helpers come in and fight us all but shredder doesn't leave me alone and Mikey looks scared, I don't know why, but he does. I know I shouldn't be fighting him but he wouldn't stop coming at me. I guess if I get trapped I get trapped. I can only dodge the hits knowing I have no chance at winning this fight.

🧡 Mikey's pov
     I'm panicking!!! Why is shredder fighting Dessa?! I love her! Well, secret crush but still! She doesn't know it but still! She can't die! After a while she starts to slow down her Spiderman webs and I panic. Shredder lifts his claws and is about to kill her!!!!!!!! "Nooooo!" I shout dramatically.

❤️ Illinois's pov
       I'm fighting the idiotic fish when I hear a dramatic shout. I turn and see, dessa about to get freaking killed?! Oh h*ll no, that isn't gonna happen! I growl and knock out fish dude before running over. I jump onto Shredder's back pulling him backwards. He growls and turns around to fight me. After a while he knocks my kamas out of my hands! "Aw c'mon really?!" I say annoyed. Shredder laughs and the guys all shout no. Shredder goes to kill me but I bring out my wolverine claws and block it. The guys gasp, and Shredder looks at me shocked and I smirk before pushing him into a wall. "Is nobody gonna get the guys out?" I shout. "that's a good idea I can't have my sister killed guys" Dess shouts. China runs over and cuts the guys out of their chains. Dess shoots a spiderweb at shredder pinning him to the wall and we all escape. After I grab my kamas of course. "Dudes how did you do that?!" Mikey shouts. "I have Spiderman powers and Illinois has Wolverine powers!" Dessa shouts while we run back to the lair. "That's crazy" Donnie says. "Yeah I thought you were gonna die Illinois!" Mikey shouted. Raph visibly tensed up at that, but why? I'm not sure, he doesn't care about me anyways. We get back to the lair and Splinter is awake drinking tea. Saylor is nowhere to be seen, but she's probably just putting things back. "Splinter!" The guys shout (when I say guys Casey is not included) they run over to him and hug him. "Ah, my son's I'm glad you are all okay" splinter says. "Well actually we have a few cuts and bruises but not to bad!" Mikey says. "Okay go fix them up" splinter says. The guys nod and walk to the lab. Saylor helps get the guys fixed up and Dessa tells splinter about the fight. "Then Illi used her claws to block. The attack and I shot webs at him and he got stuck to the wall!" Dessa says. Splinted chuckles slightly at her energetic self, "can you two show me the powers?" Splinter asks. April says, "yeah I didn't see the whole claw thing". "Me neither, since we were fighting and all" Casey says. Dessa jumps up and shoots a spiderweb string and swings across the room. "Ah, interesting. And yours?" Splinter says. I stand up and put out my wolverine claws, April and Casey say wow, and woah. "Is there any other powers you both have?" Splinter asks. "Oh, I have my Spidey senses but there's still a lot more!" Dessa says. Splinter looks at me and I say, "here, I'll show you". I take my Kama and stab my arm. Splinter looks confused and worried at the same time. April looks disgusted, and Casey say, "what the?!". I pull it out and it heals itself immediately. "Woahhhh" Casey said, "cool". I nod and put. My Kama away then the guys walk out while April says, "okay that was creepy". "What was creepy?" Leo asks. I pull out my Kama and April squeals andd covers her eyes, "No! Not again!" she shouts. I chuckle quietly before stabbing my arm. They all widen their eyes, even Raph looks concerned, weird. I pull it out and it heals itself. "Oh, so healing powers" Donnie asks. I nod and put my Kama away after wiping it off. "Can I run some tests on you two?" Donnie asks pointing at Dessa and I. "What?" Dessa asks. "Uh, I mean, I guess?" I say. Donnie smiles, "good! Let's go!" He grabs my hand and drags me into the lab. I swear Raph looked mad when he did that but I'm probably imagining things. Dessa follows us into the lab.

To be continued...

┻━┻ ヘ╰( •̀ε•́ ╰)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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