Chapter 2) they meet again

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💙 Leo's pov
Last time we saw those girls was three days ago. I wonder if we will see them again. The girl, named China was really pretty. Anyways, me and my brothers are on night patrol right now. It's almost time to head back when I hear something. We all look towards the sound and we see Shredders stupid henchmen. We see Rocksteady, Bebop, Tigerclaw and Fishface. We jump down to fight them off. Donnie fights Fishface, Mikey fights Bebop, Raph fights Rocksteady, and I fight Tigerclaw. After a while we do not have the upper hand in this fight. Just as we think this isn't gonna end good for us the girls from a few days ago jump down! Okay, now we should be good!

🖤Nobody's pov
The pack was out roof jumping when they heard the sounds of metal clanging. They rush to the sound and see the four turtles struggling to fight off four mutants. "Okay girls let's help" China says. The three other girls nod and jump in to save the fight. China helps Leo fight off Tigerclaw, Saylor helps Donnie fight Fishface, Illinois helps Raph fight Rocksteady, and Dessa helps Mikey fight Bebop.
China attacks Tigerclaw from behind and then knocks his guns away from him. Then Leo and her easily fight him away.
Saylor jumps down and fights for a second but the stupid fishes legs are really powerful. So, she uses her technopathic powers to burn the power in the legs. "How did you..." Donnie says. "I'm a technopath" Saylor says. "Wow, okay then" Donnie says and Saylor giggles. Donnie blushes slightly at her cute giggle but she can't tell because of the dark.
Illinois just jumps in and literally pushes Rocksteady off of Raph. Raph looks at her in both confusion and awe. They then fight him off quickly.
Dessa is fighting off Bebop with Mikey. They eventually take him out and just talk about videogames whole they do.
After they all fight off Shredder's henchmen they talk. "You all do ninjutsu?" Donnie asks. Saylor smiles and nods, China and Dessa both say, "yep" at the same time. Illinois just nods slightly. "Cool!" Mikey shouts happily and Dessa giggles. They all talk for a bit on the rooftops, well Illinois doesn't really talk.
After a while of talking Mikey says, "Leo can we bring them to the lair?!". Raph grumbles something and hits Mikey's head, "ow!" Mikey shouts. Leo thinks about it before saying, "I guess". "What?! Splinter is gonna be mad y'know!" Raph shouts and Donnie nods. "Who's splinter?" Saylor asks. "He's our Sensai, and our adoptive father" Donnie explains. "Woah! Cool!" Dessa says. Illi just growls slightly not wanting to go with them, she mumbles something about not trusting them. "C'mon let's go!" Mikey shouts running off. Dess follows and then the others do as well. Eventually they end in an alley and leo lifts a manhole cover. Dess jumps down first with no hesitation. "Illi, you go" Saylor says. Illi growls and jumps down, "ow what the heck?!" We hear Dess shout and the guys laugh slightly. "Well don't stand right in the landing dumbass!" Illi shouts and the guys laugh more. Then Saylor and China jump in followed by the guys who close the lid on their way in. "What happened you two?" China asks Illi and Dess. "Illi kicked me!" Dess shouts. "Actually dopey didn't move so I ended up jumping down on her" Illi says and Saylor and Raph laugh slightly.
After a while they come to an abandoned subway tunnel. They then enter an abandoned subway station. "Woahhhh!" Dess says in amazement. The guys show them around a bit. Suddenly a voice come from behind them, "my son's! Explain" The voice says and the guys jump around. They are all met by a tall mutant rat. "Well you see Sensai, uh, they are our friends... They saved us" leo says. The rat stroked his goatee, "very well, what are your names?" Splinter asks. "I'm China, and this is my pack. Dessa, Saylor, and Illinois" China says pointing to each of the girls. Splinter nods, "I see you have weapons, do you train in ninjutsu?" He asks. "Yes sir!" Dessa says with a giant smile. Splinter smiles and nods, "who is the best fighter of you four girls?" He asks. Dessa says, "well China is the best at ninjutsu but Illinois is the best at almost any other type of fighting, like boxing." With a huge smile. Splinter nods, "can I see you four spare?" He asks. "Sure" Saylor says. They all go to the dojo including the boys. "Okay, China and Leo, Mikey and Dessa, Raph and Illinois, and Saylor and Donnie" splinter says. Mikey and Dessa go first. The fight goes on for a long time since they both have around the same level of skill. After a while Mikey wins. Next saylor and Donnie go. Saylor wins, then Raph and Illi go and Illi wins. Finally China and leo go up. China wins. Splinter says, "ah, that was very good ladies. China, your fighting style seems familiar...". China get nervous knowing that she uses her mother's fighting style. Splinter then says, "China you will go against me" the boys eyes widen and they gasp slightly. "O-Okay" China says standing up. China heart is pounding and she already know that Splinter is a master at ninjutsu. She gulps and takes a deep breath. Then they start after a while of fighting it is a pretty good fight. The boys are shocked and the girls are smiling. But eventually splinter is starting to win. China knows that her only way to win was to do her mother's secret move, The Glowing Tigers Roar. The girls know what she is thinking, "China just do it already!" Saylor says. "Yeah it'll be fine if they see" Dess said making the boys and splinter confused. China sighs, she narrows her eyes and splinter is about to take her down when she does the special move an wins making the boys all gasp. China looks very nervous and the girls clap. Splinter gets up calmly but surprised. "May I ask where you learned that?" Splinter asks. China says, "uhhhh". Splinter says, "that is a trick that I've only ever seen used by Jade DeTenzen, it is sacred. So how do you know it?" He starts to sound slightly scary. "My mum" China says quickly. Splinter raises a brow, "did she know Jade?" He asks. China gulps, "uh, I mean technically yes...". Splinter raises a brow and looks at China confused. Illinois then loses all her patience and says, "her mom is Jade DeTenzen". The boys including splinter look at Illinois and Raph says, "riiight". Illinois growls at him and splinter turns back to China, "is that true?" He asks. China slowly nods and Raph just rolls his eyes not believing her. Splinter widened his eyes slightly, "do you have proof? Not that I don't believe you". China gulps and nods, "can I see?" Splinter asks. China nods and reaches to unlock the katana. She keeps the dragon katana locked in it's sheath on her leg. She pulls it out and the boys all gasp and Mikey says, "woahhhhhh, the sword of magic!!! Dudes she is Jade's daughter! Can it do that glowy thingy?!". China laughs a little at his excitedness. "Yes it will if I fight, I can fight one of the girls with it" China says. Dessa jumps up and runs over pulling out he meridian axes. Dessa loves to fight with China because she can improve where skills by doing it. China also takes out one of her other swords as well. Splinter tells them to begin and they do. The second she swings the dragon sword it starts to glow. Mikey gasps and has a huge smile on his face. After a few seconds China has glowing tattoo patterns all over her body. She pins Dessa down and stops, China stops glowing. Splinter asks to hold the sword and China nods and cautiously hands it to him.
Splinter says, "I use to be in the same class as your mother". The rest of the guys and girls leave to do their own things while splinter and China talk. What a crazy, but days could be crazier and they will...

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