Chapter 3) YouTube fans

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🧡 Dessa's pov
      I am currently making a new YouTube video! Yayyy! Anyways we've known the turtles for about a week now!

(In video)

Dessa: hey guys! Welcome to meh awesome YouTube channel! Imma play some call of duty!

*Playing game*

Dessa: WOAH! WHERE DID HE COME FROM?! AHHH!!! wait, okay we good...

Dessa: dang he ligit came from out if nowhere! Sheesh...

*More gaming XP*

Dessa: okay we are going to shoot these four guys...

*Shoots in game*

Dessa: hehe, die suckas!!! Yee, so far it's down to the last five people

Dessa: I'm tryna find another place with a person... Wait I think someone is over here.

Dessa: okay no,

*Turns around and is face to face with another player*


*Shoots person and kills them*

(In background)

Illinois: girl, stfu!

(Back to main mic)

Dessa: hehe, sorry! My sis just yelled at me to shut up lol

Dessa: aight one more person is left on this world guys! Now to find them before they can find me.

*Finds person*

Dessa: oooh, you gon die!

*Kills person*

Dessa: wooo! Yo I won! Hey were any of you guys out there playing in the round with me? Well time for live stream!

(End of video)

*Upload video*

"Imma stream now guys!" I shout. "K" I hear my sisters shout back.

(P.s. she never shows her face)
(Turns on live stream)

Dessa: heya there peoplezzzz!

*Ten more people joined*

*Thirty four people joined*

*Fifty people joined*

Dessa: woah, that's a lot of people! What game y'all want me to play?

Tessyden333(comment): can you play sims?

Dessa: aight, someone want me to play sims... I don't play it that often but sure!

*Gets on sims*

Dessa: alright what kind of challenge should I do?

MCgames580(comment): make them trap people in their house...

Dessa: *laughs a little* okay somebody wants me to trap people in our house. Yes, I definitely can do that one! What kind of character should I make?

Mninja54(comment): orange themed

Dessa: yo someone said orange them so let's do ittt!

*Makes orange haired character with brown eyes. Dressed in orange shirt, fluffy boots, and black leggings. Hair in two buns.*

Dessa: alrighty, this is our character, her name is Jess Ninja! Ninja just because why not right?

Dessa: okay so I'm gonna get this house and we're gonna wait for the welcome party to come and we trap them in our basement! Yes, it's evil but whateva! Anywho, oh their heeerrrreee! Okay I'm letting them in, and licking the door. Now they can't leave

Dessa: I just locked them in the basement and stole their fruitcake! Mwahahahaha! Now they can starve! But we need way more people for this. We should take the whole neighborhood!

*Goes out and starts to make the whole neighborhood her friends*

*Invites them to her house for a party*

Dessa: Kay, now they party till they die! tee-hee

Dessa: okay we have thirty people partying in our basement lol

*Plays for hours*

Saylor: ay Dess c'mon!

Dessa: girl whatchu mean c'mon?

Dessa: hold on guys, we are having technical difficulties my sis needs meh... I will be back my dudes!

I mite the mic and run downstairs and see the turtles sitting on our couch. "Oh, uh, hi?" I say. "Helllooooo!!!!!" Mikey shouts and I giggle a little. "Do you need me?" I ask. Saylor says, "yeah, why don't you do something with Mikey he like videogames". "Okee! C'mon!" I say running off with Mikey behind me. I run back to my room and Mikey says, "woahhhh!". "Yeah, y'know the YouTuber GamerKitty?" I ask. Mikey nods with a smile, "she's awesome!" He says and I smile. "Okay well that's me!" I say. Mikey gasps, "WOAH! THAT'S AWSOME!" he shouts and I laugh. "Yeah you wanna help me with this livestream?" I ask and he nods.

Dessa: "I'm back my dudes and I've got my friend Mikey! Say hi Mikey"

Mikey: hi!!! Oh April is probably watching so hi April!!!

Dessa: is April your friend?

Mikey: yep! She loves your videos!

Dessa: oh nice, well hi April!

We play sims for about an hour until a knock comes at the door. "Come in!" I say, "hang on guys" I say into the mic. The door opens and it's leo, "Mikey it's time to- woah! That's a lot of gaming stuff". "Yup! My channel is GamerKitty!" I say. Leo's eyes widen slightly, "oh wow, you have a good channel, and our friend April loves your videos" he says. "Yeah dudette I watch them with her all the time!" Mikey says. I smile, "cool! Maybe you can help me again next video!".

April's pov

  I was watching GamerKitty Livestream when after a few minutes I heard her say she has a friend named Mikey. I smiled thinking about Michaelangelo, then I heard his voice! My jaw dropped and I basically was fan girling for a while especially when she said hi to ME!!! Wait so if Mikey knows her that means I can meet her too! Omg I'm freaking out! After a but I heard Leo in the background and then Mikey and Dessa said bye. I wonder if Dessa is her real name. I hope I can meet her! EEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Lol, that was interesting... Sorry if it didn't make much sense... I tried
┻━┻ ヘ╰( •̀ε•́ ╰)

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