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I woke up at ten o'clock this morning and Daisy and Carter weren't here. They probably went out for breakfast or something. Daisy did leave me a note.

"We'll be out until twelve, theres food in the fridge and I left my car here so you can go out if you want to♡"  I read.

She could have sent a text but Daisy is all about hand written notes, bullet journals and fancy pens.

Her house is one of those olden day looking cottages and there's flowers all around the front of it. It is really pretty, but it's not my style.

I would probably live in a modern house that's painted black or grey with maybe just a little bit of white. It's not grunge though. It's classy.

My mother and I lived in a small cottage before she went to prison, but sometimes when she caused a scene with the neighbours or skipped a months rent, we would have to go to one if her many 'friends' houses for a night or two before she finally decided to go and apologize or beg for the house back.

One time when we went back, we found all of our belongings on the side of the street. She was infuriated and started throwing things everywhere.
I remember sitting on one of our couches outside with my small bag and stuffed bear, listening in on her phone call with our landlords. We had so many people looking at us as they walked past or from their kitchen windows but I didn't care. I was used to it, and they all knew not to interfere anyway.

They could have helped me by calling child services anonymously instead of doing absolutely nothing but they were scared of my mother and I sort of understand that.

After that incident, we moved into a new place anyway. A much smaller one.


After a few minutes of fully waking up, I decide to find the kitchen, make some coffee and find something to eat.

I put the machine on and leave it while I make a bowl of cereal. I'm probably going to have a second one too.

As I pour the coffee into a mug, I get three texts in a row, so I stop and see who it is.

Its Adelaide telling me that some woman stopped by earlier to see me and left a small basket with some stuff in it. She tells me that she tried to get my number but Adelaide wouldn't give it to her.
Maybe it's my social worker?
But she only had to check on me every six months and she already has my number anyway so I highly doubt it was her.

I text her back and ask her to describe the woman.

She tells me that she was a thin woman with long light brown hair, green eyes and looked in her early fifties.

I don't think I know anyone in their fifties. My grandparents disowned my mother when they found out that she was pregnant at fifteen and I never knew my father's parents.

I ask Adelaide to check if there's a note and she texts back saying that there isn't one. She says that the basket has a white stuffed bear in it, two white t-shirts, one grey one, pink sweatpants and she says that she can't see what's under that without opening it.

I tell her that she should just leave it on my bed and that I'll be back tomorrow.


I've finished my breakfast now so I decide to have a shower and get ready for the hospital.

I'm wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans today. I didn't bring much because we were rushing at 2am. I didn't even figure out how I'm going to get back to NYU.

I'll probably hire a car or something.


A few minutes later and I'm done showering and changing. I pull my hair back into a low ponytail and walk out of the spare bedroom and into the living room.

Just then Daisy and Carter walk in and Daisy's eyes are puffy underneath them. There are visible tear stains on the shoulder of Carter's t-shirt and my face immediately falls.

"What happened?" I ask, concern clear in my voice.

Daisy smiles and looks like shes fighting more tears and then she holds her left hand up.
There is a big beautiful engagement ring on her finger.

She runs to me screaming and jumping up and down and Carter stares at her and laughs. Pure love in his eyes.

I'm so happy for them. My bestfriend is getting married.

After a few minutes of listening to Daisy's proposal story, we all get into her car and go to the hospital.


Her dad is stable and they said that he can be released later today.

Now I don't feel bad about going back to NYU tomorrow.

I'll probably be driving back to Alcraft soon anyway for Daisy's engagement party and a bit after for her wedding. I imagine her having a really pretty beach wedding while the sun sets. I feel like she would try to make me bring a date but I probably wouldn't.

Today was short but it was a nice day. I didn't have any flashbacks but I can't help but wish I did even though I hate reliving the pain. I need to find out who that boy is. I'm really not complaining that I didn't have any but I need to know.

I hate my flashbacks.

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