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My shifts at the café seem to be getting longer and longer, especially since Mason saw me giving my number to Christopher two days ago. It's not any of his business but I told him over and over again that nothing is going to happen between Christopher and I. First of all, Christopher seems to be way older than me and second, I'm just not looking for someone right now. I just started college, got a job that pays me a decent salary and I'm not going to let a relationship ruin what I've got going. There's still my flashbacks ofcourse, but I can deal with them for now. I haven't had one in two days and I'm curious to why.

I'm walking back to my dorm room now. Claire and Adelaide went back to their home town for one of their old friends weddings that is happening this Saturday. They're going to be bridesmaids so they decided to go early to help prepare. Adelaide wasn't too excited about that.

Amanda is hanging out with her boyfriend, Lucas is doing whatever Lucas does and Noah is with his friends so I'll be by myself tonight. I'm fine with it though. I dont really want to hang out with Mason because, well, he's Mason. I've been alone before and I can do it again.

It's nearly seven o'clock and I'm almost at my dorm room. It's not too far a walk but I left late because a customer didn't seem to want to leave so I could end my shift. It's only just starting to get dark now. In Alcraft the sun would be down by half past five, but not here.


I decide to run myself a hot bath while I'm waiting for my pizza to get here. It's been five minutes since I ordered one, so it shouldn't be long. There place is just two blocks away from campus. They ride black and green motorcycles very recklessly but the pizza gets here on time and in one piece.


When the bath is full enough, I turn off the water and go to pick out clothes to sleep in. I pick an oversized white t-shirt, a black long sleeve top for under that and black leggings with white ankle socks and place them on the cupboard in the bathroom.

Just as I walk out to get my phone, I hear a knock so I grab money for the pizza and open the door to find Lucas standing there. His face is bruised and he's bleeding from multiple places all over it.  

I feel my facial expression change to shocked and let him in straight away. He's limping and he looks like he might pass out any second.

"What happened?"
"Are you okay?"
"Who did this to you?" I ask all three questions before giving him a chance to speak.

"Answer me damnit." I yell.

He sits on the floor and clutches his stomach, coughing slowly.

"Chill out JJ."
"I'll be okay." He says like he's out of breathe.

"Look at yourself. What happened Lucas?" I say in a rather rushed way.

"I messed with some of the wrong people Jo. That's it." He tells me.

"That's it?!" I shout.
"That's not it. You look like you just got pushed off of a cliff."

I walk into the bathroom and watch Lucas as he watches me fill up a small bowl with warm water and grab two cloths, a jar of pain killers and a few bandages from the cupboard.

As I put everything on the floor next to where he's sitting he speaks again.

"I'm sorry Josette. You don't have to do this, I just needed somewhere to come sit for an hour or two and you're my oldest friend and-" he starts.

"Lucas keep quiet." I cut him off.

"Ohhkay." He says.

I dip one of the cloths into the bowl and clean the cuts on his face.

"Where else are you bleeding?" I ask and he lifts up his shirt.

He's bruised all over his stomach and there's a big cut just under his left rib. It's long but not too deep so he wouldn't need stitches.

I dip the other cloth into the water, place it onto the cut and watch as he flinches. He stays quiet though.

"How did this happen?"I ask. My voice has gone lower now. I'm not shouting when I talk to him.

Before he speaks, There's a knock at the door.

"Are you expecting someone?"
"I mean, I can totally leave if you have company." he says with a small smile.

"It's just a pizza you idiot." I say and open the door, money in hand.

But of course, it isn't the pizza man. It's Mason. He's standing there holding two iced coffees and a to-go bag that we usually pack cupcakes in, from the café.

"Hey what are you doing here?" I ask.

"Well Claire had mentioned that her and Adelaide would be out for the week and I saw Amanda walk past the café with some dude so I assumed you'd be here by yourself." He smiles like he's proud of himself.

"You really didn't have to." I say, meaning it.

"I insist."
"Can I come in?"He asks and pushes past me.

Masons eyes lock on Lucas and he immediately turns around and walks out. I could have sworn I saw a small smile on Lucas' face in that moment.

"Sorry I didn't know you had company. "
"I don't want to break up the uhm-" he stops and swallows his spit.
"The thing going on here." He says with a small sarcastic laugh and he hands me the coffee and cupcakes and turns to walk away.

"Mason." I say.

"No it's okay, really." He smiles.
"I have other plans anyway." He walks away.

"Okay." I try to act like I believe him.
"Well have a good night then." I say.

"You too Josette." He smiles again and walks away.

I close the door and turn around but not even a second later, there's another knock at the door.

I open it, grab the pizza, give the dude the money, give a small thank you and shut the door.

Lucas is looking at me like I've grown an extra head.

"Don't say anything." I tell him and place the pizza on my bed.

"Go jump into the bath. I'll go over to your dorm and get you some clothes and then we can eat." I tell him.

"You don't have to." He says.

"Well you need to get clean and you sure as hell are not going to wear my silky pyjamas."

"It's not safe at my dorm room right now."

"Fine. I could probably find you shorts and a t-shirt in here anyway." I tell him.

"Thank you JJ."

"Anytime." I smile as he limps into the bathroom.

I pick out a pair of shorts and a plain black t-shirt, place them on the shelf near the bathroom door and tell Lucas to take them when he's done.

I still want to know the details of what happened. Who did he mess with? Why did he mess with them? I guess I have time to ask him anyway.

I haven't had a flashback today, I didn't have one yesterday and I didn't have one the day before that.

I hate my flashbacks.

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