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- same day as ch.16 -

3rd POV.

Towards the end of the Sotus meeting, Beam showed up. He was waiting for Forth who was busy talking with a smaller group of first years. He looked around and spotted Kit and the Eng.Nurses talking to a couple girls and treating some injuries.
Beam decided to make himself useful and made is way over to the nursing tent.

"Need any help?" Beam asked and the Eng.Nurses said no, but told him to go check on Kit.

He didn't want to. Him and Kit weren't on good terms still, but he figured he check on the smaller anyway.

"Hey Kit, need any help?" Beam asked and stood in the door way of the tent. Kit was busy wrapping a girl's arm - sprained wrist.

"Not really, Forth's on the field. Why are you here?" Kit was being both rude and curious at the same time. And odd combination for an awkward situation.

"I just wanted to apologize... I just wanted to cheer you up yesterday..." Beam said.

Kit was surprised, Beam doesn't usually apologize first - something about 'his ego won't let him'.

"It's alright... But you should've known better. I know how sensitive I am over certain topics - and I shouldn't have snapped. You and Pha both know that. And it hurts when you two gang-up on me like that. I know that I was in the wrong for snapping - but that didn't give you guys the right to attack me the way you did." Kit said and finished wrapping up the girl's arm.

She smiled and thanked Kit before going back to the field. Kit started cleaning up his supplies while Beam stood there; both in shame and impressed at what Kit had said. Beam knew it was wrong of him and Pha to say the things they said to the youngest - but it was the heat-of-the-moment. They didn't think before they spoke.

"I'm sorry. Kit I really am..." Beam said. He was never the best with apologies.

Kit could see he was trying. But he was out of patients for his best friend. (Especially Pha, but we're gonna focus on Beam for now.) Beam just... He means the best, he doesn't mean to hurt, offend, or trigger Kit - but it happens a lot... And when it does he isn't the best at helping Kit or trying to fix what he did. And Kit's done. He's done having to constantly act like everything's alright when it's not.

Kit sighed and looked up at Beam.

"Just... Give me sometime, give me some space. I just wanna be alone for a bit," Kit said. That was his 'code' for saying 'stay away until I'm ready to come back to you'.

Beam nodded and gave a half-smile to Kit before leaving the tent to go find Forth. Kit sighed and finished cleaning before helping the Eng.Nurses take everything back to their storage room.

"What happened with you and  P'Forth's boyfriend?" One of the girls asked.

"Just a small argument. Nothing too serious," Kit said.

They all talked for a bit as they cleaned up and one of the girls asked who was single and who was taken among the small group. She was just curious/wanted to get to know every one better.

Out of the ten of them only four were single while the other six were taken.

"P'Kit, you're taken?" One of the boys asked. Kit nodded and held up his wrist with Ming's gear on it.

"Oh! An engineer! Who is it?" Another girl asked.

Kit was about to answer when someone's arms wrapped around his waist. Kit smiled and looked up at who it was.

"That would be me, Nong." Ming smiled and hugged Kit - Kit blushed and kissed Ming's cheek.

"Awww!!! You two are so cute!" The girls giggled and MingKit smiled.

"You guys joining us for dinner? P'Forth and P'Arthit planned it for us," Another boy said.

Ming looked at Kit - silently asking if he wanted to go. Kit nodded - silently answering Ming's question. They're getting good at the 'silent talking' thing.

"Let's go eat. I'm hungry," Ming said and every one made their way out to the parking lot to go to the restaurant.

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