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I turned the paper over cautiously, in case there was a back.


No back, no problem.

I sat back on my chair and just stared at the ceiling since I already finished my test after Armin and before Marco. Sasha was the one to collect the tests.

I decided meditate for a bit, since everyone else was still working silently. Then my phone vibrated quietly, startling me a little.

At least it wasn't loud...

I looked down at my phone to see 4 messages.

1 from my dad, 2 from Jean, and 1 from another unknown number.

I checked the unknown number first to see who it was.

U/N: Hey, we can keep in contact now. I should've done this 10 years ago 😅

Me: who is this?

I then switched to my dad's message.

Dad: I got to leave work early so let me know when you're dismissed 😊

I smiled softly at his message and replied

Me: at 3:15. See you soon.

I switched back to the unknown number's message and waited for a response. Then my phone vibrates again.

U/N: It's me, your mom.


No thanks.

I then blocked her number and switched back to my dad's message log, waiting for a reply.

Dad: Great! See you then.

I smiled again with my heart and switched over to Jean's message log.

Blue balls: heyyy

Blue balls: how'd you do on the test?

I inwardly chuckled as I imagined the 'heyyy' in his voice.

Me: I'd rather stay in the dark.

Blue balls: too bad. Mr. Shadis is gonna give the tests back after grading them

My heart dropped to my ass I texted back.

Me: Your kidding me, right?

Blue balls: I kid you not

Exhaling deeply, I gave up on humanity and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Look alive, maggots! Your results are coming." Called Mr. Shadis.

I tucked my phone back under my thigh and patiently waited for my test, while everyone else immediately started talking about their scores.

When I received my test I covered my eyes with my free hand and turned around to Jean, who was sitting behind me.

"Hey, Jean!" I called out.

"Y/n?" He replied.

"Let me know if it looks bad or not." I held out my test to him.

"Why? You're nervous?" He tittered.

"Just do it!"

"Fine, chill." He grasps the sheet to gaze on my score.

"DAMN GIRL!!" He screeched.

"What? I-is it that bad?!" I stammered

"You have to tutor me someday~"

"You know what- GIMME THAT!" I uncover my eyes and blushed at his comment while snatching the sheet pack to lay my eyes on the score.

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