21. Exploration

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Natalia heard the soft padding of feet outside of her door and sighed. Raja could be silent if he chose, so the noise was for her benefit. She rolled over and inspected the empty space next to her that Raja had abandoned when Lukas left. Her hand tested the area for warmth, and there was none. He had let her sleep for a few hours then.

"It's time for breakfast," Raja announced from the closed door. He could open it, it wasn't locked, but he stood on the other side waiting. Between the power drain during the night and the early morning visitor, even sitting up felt exhausting. She didn't want to move, and the plush mattress hugged her body with its soothing warmth. Just as she almost decided to ignore his call, her stomach rumbled in protest.

"Alright, wait for me." Natalia dragged herself to the bathroom. After simple grooming, she threw on her outer robe and joined Raja. The hint of a shadow under both eyes gave away his fatigue, but he still smiled when she entered the room. Their interaction felt awkward. Even the bond could not smooth the confusion that existed between the two.

They walked in silence to breakfast.

Diddero sat alone in the dining room when they arrived. He smiled at them and waved them to their seats. "The children will be in with the food soon. The cook is back today, allowing Jiyun to resume her work in the practice rooms." As promised, Minho walked in, carrying a basket of fresh bread and a tray with boiled eggs, cheese, and sliced meat. Soyun brought a pitcher of steaming liquid that Natalia hoped was tea.

"You guys look exhausted. What happened?" Soyun said to the couple as she poured the liquid into the mugs at each plate.

"Subtle, my child." Diddero teased his daughter. "But yes, neither of you seems to have rested well."

"Lukas has escaped. I expect the news will come from the Queendom soon, "Raja began. "He must have needed considerable power for it because he siphoned a great deal from Natalia and me."

"Ah, but there is more to the story. I felt his breach of my shield this morning."

"Yes, he did visit us this morning, which interrupted our rest," Raja responded vaguely. Natalia remained quiet and breathed in the aromatic tea Soyun had given her. The tangy black substance revitalized her as she sipped it, respectful of its temperature. Since her escape, the pleasure of morning tea became a treasured ritual. For years, the precious drink had been denied her, and now she could wastefully imbibe jugs of it.

"Ah. Well, it is good he has escaped, and you were able to meet again." Diddero wiped his mouth with a napkin and laid it next to his half-finished plate of food. "This will delay your training by a few days, I believe. I will let The Master know. He will likely have to visit the Council."

"We could use the rest," Natalia assured Diddero. His rapid movement matched his speech as he stood to leave. Before he left, Natalia decided she didn't want to be trapped in the room with Raja for the day. "Would it still be okay for us to explore the Vale a bit today?"

"Yes, would you mind if I accompanied you? You do not know our Vale yet, and I do not want you to get lost or trapped."

"We would appreciate it." Natalia smiled at the dark man.

"Good, I will meet you in an hour. Will that be enough time?"

"Yes, I don't think either of us plans to nap, but a bath would be nice," Natalia responded, and Raja nodded in agreement.

"Very good. I'll meet you out front in an hour. "Diddero left the room, leaving the children and the exhausted couple behind.

Soyun began to say something, but Minho smacked her hand and shook his head. They all finished their meal in silence.

The Gathering of Masters: The Bond Once Severed Book 1Where stories live. Discover now