Monday, four days till.

276 12 16

Akaashi POV


"Remember to do your homework. Oh by the way, the school is hosting a musical contest this Friday. Since It's Monday, you have time to prepare. That's all, class dismissed." My professor spoke in a monotone voice. I never truly understood him, but I guess he's cool. I heard a screeching sound next to me and looked over. My best friend, Bushida Hayase sitting down next to me with his Bento Box in his hands.

I've know Hayase since we were 4. We've been neighbors since then. His silver hair was curly and untamed. He played soccer so sometimes when we were little and even now, he drags me outside to be his goalkeeper. He stood four inches taller than me at 6'3. I'm only 5'11 but it doesn't bother me.

He was quiet as he sat down, like normal. A couple of our other friends came and sat down around us. There was Sakusa, Kenma, and Rintaro. We were a quiet group to other people but with just us alone we could get quite rowdy. We were all first years.

"Hey Kash'. You're gonna do the music contest right?" Rin asked me, catching the attention of the other three, I slammed my head on the desk.

"Keiji, don't do that. You'll get a bump." Kenma placed his hand under my forehead.

"You okay Kei?" Sakusa asked. I let out a loud sigh and titled my head so my cheek was laying on Kenma's hand.

"I wanted to write a new song but I don't have enough time. Plus I have to re-string my guitar. And on top of that, my fucking piano's not tuned." I groaned and lifted my head up.

"Come on Shi. Let's walk." Hayase said. He grabbed me by my arm and lifted me out of my seat. We walked out of the classroom and towards the stairwell. We sat on the bottom steps.

"Why don't you do a cover song or something like that?" Hayase asked me, concerned filled his voice.

"I guess I could do that. Which song though?" The stress resonated in my voice.

"Whatever you want."

"My Immortal?"

"Something else. I hate that song." He laughed and gently pushed me.

"I mean it's 2003. So. I could do a slow version of Crazy In Love?"

"Sounds good."

Before Hayase could respond a smooth jazz song filled the hallway. I rolled my eyes as I knew who played it.


Goddamn. Takeshi Kitsune.

When we looked behind us, his book bag which kept the speaker was sitting on the floor. Next to him was none other than Kuroo Tetsurou, Miya Osamu, and Osamu's twin Miya Atsumu. The dumbass jock clique of the school. I glanced at Hayase and saw him smiling at Takeshi, who of course was moving his body to the music. His black hair and green eyes vivid in the sunlight protruding through the hallway windows. God he's so dumb. Whatever. The music started and Hayase sang along while watching him dance.


Ow, she's a brick house
She's mighty-mighty, just lettin' it all hang out
She's a brick house
That lady's stacked and that's a fact
Ain't holding nothing back
Ow, she's a brick house
Well put-together, everybody knows
This is how the story goes

Takeshi waltzed down the steps and took Hayase's hands in his own. Ugh. Disgusting. His friends were laughing at him and so was I. Even though he was stupid, he was funny. I'm happy for Hayase but Takeshi, along with Kuroo, was a second year meaning he's a year older than us. The Miya twins were first years. Hayase and Takeshi danced together with the music. They looked at each other in loving ways yet neither knew of the others feelings. I don't think they even know of their feelings. I'll have to tease Hay about that later. I'm happy if he's happy.

Takeshi's hands moved to Hayase's hips as he guided him. A blush erupted onto both their cheeks. They are so fucking oblivious, oh lord. I made eye contact with Kuroo but quickly looked away. Sure he was attractive but ew. Icky. Gross. NO.

The clothes she wears, her sexy ways
Make an old man wish for younger days, yeah, yeah
She knows she's built and knows how to please
Sure enough to knock a strong man to his knees

'Cause she's a brick house
Yeah, she's mighty mighty, just lettin' it all hang out
She's a brick house
The lady's stacked and that's a fact
Ain't holding nothing back

Shake it down, shake it down now
Shake it down, shake it down now
Shake it down, shake it down now
Shake it down, shake it down now
Shake it down, shake it down now
Shake it down, shake it down now
Shake it down, shake it down now
Shake it down, shake it down now

The song continued just as Kenma walked in with Sakusa and Rin. Osamu walked down the steps and greeted Rin with a kiss.

"Ew. You kiss this bitch?" Atsumu teased earning a smack from and a chuckle from Osamu.

I physically cringed when Osamu kissed Rin again. Kenma sat next to me and put his book bag on his lap.

"What's going on?" He asked pointing his thumb to Takeshi and Hayase.

"I honestly have no fucking clue." I answered, rolling my eyes.

"Oh well. You decide yet?"

"Yea. I have a song in mind."

"Hmm. Don't tell me. I wanna be surprised."

"You sound like a kid when the cashier asked boy or girl for the Mcdonald's kids meal toy."

"Shut the hell up." Kenma laughed at me. A tall figure loomed over us, Kuroo was Kenma's childhood friend but something happened so they don't really talk anymore. Kenma won't tell me what happened though. I decided to stay quiet.

"Hey Kitten~" Kuroo hummed.

"What'd I tell you about that Tetsu?" Kenma said, a blush was evident on his cheeks.

"Aww come on. Still mad?"

"No, I'm not. Now fuck off."

"Damn, the cold shoulder?"


"Dinner tonight? I'll pay."


"I'll pick you up at 6. Kitten~"

I burst out laughing at their conversation. Kenma gave me a dirty look at Kuroo laughed as well while walking away. I stood up and hollered for Hayase who was talking to Osamu. He walked over and we all picked up our stuff to go back to our classes.

As I went to push open the door, it was pulled open on the other side, making me fall and drop my stuff. I closed my eyes waiting for the makeout session with the ground but it never came. I opened my eyes to a male about the same height as me. One of his hands were on my lower back and another was holding onto my arm which was pulled behind him, to the side. I didn't take the time to look properly at him but I noticed his golden eyes. Much like an owls, his eyes were flowing with worry and excitement. Anyone could remember those eyes.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he stood me up properly.

I didn't respond and gathered my stuff from the ground, running out of the stairwell as fast as I could. I was shy and fucking embarrassed. A cute guy just caught me and I ran out?!


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