Hayase's Song

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Kistune's POV

The curtains were drawn and revealed Hayase, Akaashi, and Rin.

"Hey, check out Hayase! I didn't fucking know he was participating?" I turned to Kuroo. 


I heard the piano start but didn't care and played on my phone. I mean, I know that some guy broke Hayase's heart before school started. Terusomething. I don't remember. I don't really care. Me and Hayase are friends and I sort of like him but so what?

He started singing and I froze. 

I'm so tired of being here

What the fuck? I didn't know he could sing?!

Suppressed by all my childish fears

And if you have to leave

I wish that you would just leave

'Cause your presence still lingers here

And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real

There's just too much that time cannot erase

I turned my attention towards the stage where he stood. His hands were resting on the microphone stand. One touching the microphone, the other touching the stand. His eyes were closed and he was singing his heart out. He looks so good. He wore an aqua shirt and black ripped jeans. His voice held so much emotion and I couldn't tell whether he was happy, scared, or hurt. I almost ran up to the stage and hugged him. Someone as sweet and pretty as him should never be hurt by anyone.

If I ever meet that Terusomething bitch, I'm kicking his ass. I don't truly know what I feel for Hayase but whatever it is, it's really fucking strong. It's kind of scary too.

You used to captivate me by your resonating light

Now, I'm bound by the life you left behind

Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams

Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me

I want to take all his pain and give it to myself. I wish I could. A tear fell from his left eye. Pain. Fuck. Let me help you Hayase. 

When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

But you still have all of me

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone

But though you're still with me, I've been alone all along

When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

You still have all of me, me, me

As he was catching his breath, silent tears fell down his face. He opened his eyes as the auditorium erupted in applause. Some people whistled. I stood up and he looked at me.

"Hayase! I figured it out!" I yelled out to him. Kuroo tugged on my letterman jacket to get me to shut up. I didn't care if I made a fool out of myself right now. I wanted to know. I saw Rin and Akaashi exchange a smirk.

"Kistune, what are you doing?" He fiddled with his fingers behind his back, he always does that when he's nervous. I realized people were looking at both of us. I ran up to the front of the stage.

"Bushida Hayase! I'm in love with you!" I yelled while looking up at him. One of his hands shot up to his mouth and he ran out of the auditorium. I ran after him and grabbed him by the waist from behind his back. 


"Kitsu?" He turned around in my arms and looked at me. "What if we aren't soulmates?" 

"I don't care. I'm not losing you. But lets figure it out. Sing your song."

He started singing again. 

I won't give up on us 

Even if the skies get rough

I'm giving you all my love

I'm still looking up

We have the same song. Hayase went silent.

"Hayase?" I questioned looking at him. He was smiling his brightest smile and giggling. 

"Kistune. I'm so fucking happy!"

"Good.. I won't give up on you, love."

I kissed him sweetly.

"Let's go watch Akaashi's performance with the guys. How about it?" 

"That would be lovely."

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