Follow Through

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Akaashi's POV NSFW

I looked over at Kenma and Hayase who were setting up a piano on the backyard stage. I know what you're thinking. "Damn Akaashi! You're rich!" Well you're right. I'm filthy rich, but I won't flaunt.

Hayase nodded at me and I stood giving Bokuto a kiss on the cheek. He looked at me, a confused face contorted his features. I walked over to the stage and took the microphone from Kenma's hand.

"Excuse me everyone! I have a song to sing for my lovely boyfriend. I hope you all enjoy." Everyone attending the party looked at me as I gave Hayase a slight nod.


I sat at my grand piano that was set up by the porch and placed the microphone into the mount. I looked over at Bokuto who stood with a drink in his hand, his hair flowing through the wind, his eyes searching my body. My vocal chords took over as I sang. 

When the rain is blowing in your face

And the whole world is on your case

I could offer you a warm embrace

To make you feel my love

I closed my eyes and left myself feel the wind blow over my body.

When the evening shadows and the stars appear

And there is no one there to dry your tears

Oh, I hold you for a million years

To make you feel my love

The wind, the song, my feelings, his feelings. My brain overexerted and a tear fell.

I know you haven't made your mind up yet

But I will never do you wrong

I've known it from the moment that we met

No doubt in my mind where you belong

I opened my eyes to see Bokuto standing, his arms crossed, and his eyes focused solely on mine. My eyes searched his for some sort of emotion. Love and uncertainty swirled like a tornado in his golden iris. The owl like eyes that I loved looking into when we woke up in the morning, before we went to sleep, even the most subtle of glances. His eyes matched mine with undying love.

The storms are raging on the rolling sea

And on the highway of regret

The winds of change are blowing wild and free

You ain't seen nothing like me yet

I could make you happy, make your dreams come true

There's nothing that I wouldn't do

Go to the ends of this Earth for you

To make you feel my love, oh yes

To make you feel my love

I felt around in my back pocket looking for the black velvet box. I grabbed it and quickly pulled it out of my pocket, almost dropping it in the process. I looked over at Hayase who gave me a reassuring nod. Stepping off the stage, I walked to Bokuto. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I opened my eyes to see Kotarou on one knee with a box in his hand. 

I teared up as he opened the case showing a diamond engagement ring. The gem sparkled in the light. I opened my own case and showed him a similar ring.

"Proposal's are overrated." I smiled at him and wiped my eyes.

"Tough cookies." He smiled up at me as stood, gently taking my left hand into his. I felt the cold ring of metal slide onto my left ring finger. It fit perfectly and I covered up my mouth with my hand. Kotarou still held my hand, interlocking our fingers. I heard cheers erupt around us and I looked around, my vision blurred from the tears. 

I felt a hand grab my cheek and looked back at my now fiance. He kissed me sweetly making me instantly wrap my arms around his neck, bringing him closer to me, my ring box still in my hand. He smelled of pine and sweet honey. His hair tickled my nose, as he didn't wear it up anymore. Every feeling of my body was enhanced as he kissed me. His lips against mine, his left hand on my lower back, his right hand on my cheek, his stomach pressed to mine. 

I pulled away, pressing my forehead against his. I slid my ring onto his finger and kissed the back of his hand. My fiance smiled at me and kissed my forehead, bringing me into another tight hug.

Bokuto's POV

I slammed Akaashi's back against the door as it slammed closed. His legs wrapped tightly around my waist and his slender fingers ripped through my hair. 

"F-fuck." I kissed him, feeling his hard-on press against my stomach. My hands gripped at his ass as he whimpered into the kiss. I smirked and threw him onto the bed. My shirt was ripped off my the black haired male underneath me, who tossed both our shirts to the floor. I quickly got both our pants unbuttoned, jeans joining our small pile. 

Underneath his jeans was a lacy black thong, his erection barely staying in the garment. 

"Wanted to dress up for master? How long were you planning this night for, Keiji~" I whispered against his inner thigh. I felt him shudder under me, blood rushing to my dick.

"Of course I did." He looked down at me through half lidded eyes, sending me over the edge. I ripped the panties off him and smirked. His tip was painfully red as I ran my thumb over the slit. I brought his member into my mouth, his back arching off the bed. I hummed around him as his breath became unsteady. I began bobbing my head and put three fingers in front of his mouth, feeling his tongue lap over them. I put one finger in him as he squirmed around. I held his hip down as I inserted another finger, making a scissoring motion to stretch him. 

He yelped as my third and final finger entered him. 

"I-I don't want to c-come yet." 

I took my fingers out of him and lined myself up with his entrance. I slammed into him making his practically scream in pleasure. 

"R-right there!" I pulled out and slowly entered him again, before slamming directly into his prostate. His back arched off the bed and a white lined of cum fell onto his stomach. 

"Already, Kei-Kei? We aren't done." 

I watched his mouth fall open and tears roll out of his eyes as I fucked him senseless.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, Bokuto Keiji." I brought him into a sweet kiss and came inside him. He moaned into the kiss and clawed at my chest. 

"You're taking my last name." 


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