Akaashi's Song

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Bokuto's POV

I was a little late to the contest because my guitar strings broke so I missed the first two performers. (A/N: mafuyu? is that you?) 

I slipped into the auditorium and sat next to my childhood friend group, Konoha, Onaga, and Komi. We are all really good friends with Kuroo, Takeshi, and their friend group though. I was in the aisle seat.

"What'd I miss?" Whispering, I leaned over to Konoha.

"Two cute guys sang." He responded.

"That's kinda gay Kona." Komi whispered, butting into our conversation.

"Oh fuck you Komi." Konoha smacked him.

The lights were turned off leaving the stage pitch black. I guess that singer wanted a reveal?

"And now I present our third singer of the evening! They have been asked to remain anonymous as they will be revealed during the performance! They will be performing Feeling Good!


Birds flying high

You know how I feel

Damn. Whoever it is they can sing.

Sun in the sky

You know how I feel

Breeze drifting on by

You know how I feel

It's a new dawn

It's a new day

It's a new life

For me

And I'm feeling good 

As the beat dropped the stage lights turned on revealing a male around my height. His back was turned so I didn't know who it was. Students all cat whistled at him and yelled. Damn. I wanna knowwwww! He's an amazing singer. Konoha tapped on my shoulder.

"I bet he's hot." He whispered.

I looked up at the stage and the male was now facing towards the audience. I still couldn't tell who it was. He wore black ripped skinny jeans that had a chain connecting the front and back pocket along with a black shirt with an American Eagle insignia on the side. 

"He is." I spoke back to Konoha. 

The male started walking down the steps, swaying his hips with each step, walking to the beat of the music. God, he's sexy. Almost all the guys in this school were drooling over him. Of course, we went to an all male and almost all gay school. Ugh. He was gradually walking towards me. I started to recognize him. Come closer strange, sexy man.

Dragonfly out in the sun, you know what I mean, don't you know

Butterflies all havin' fun, you know what I mean

Sleep in peace when day is done, that's what I mean

And this old world is a new world

And a bold world

For me

For me

As the instrumental part of the song started he was standing in front of me. Akaashi?! He reached his hand out, which I took. He mouthed the words 'Stay still' to me. I stood up and he strutted in a circle around me. Everyone watched, all their eyes were on us. He stood in front of me and traced his fingers on my chest and abs, causing my face to erupt in a blush. His hand occasionally tracing my jawline. Lord help me! Please don't get a boner! Please, please, please! The music sped up and he began singing again.

As he sang he turned around and danced in front of me. Backing his ass up onto my dick, his hand running up and down my chest. He turned around once again and slowly lowered his body so he was crouching. He looked up at me while he was singing and grabbed my belt. Tugging a little, he used my belt to stand back up. 

He sauntered back onto the stage. 

It's a new dawn

It's a new day

It's a new life

It's a new dawn

It's a new day

It's a new life

It's a new life

For me

And I'm feeling good

I'm feeling good

I'm feeling so good

I feel so good

As he sang the last line he winked at me. The lights went back out and everyone clapped. I sat back down in my seat completely stunned. Had that really just happened?

"-to. Bokuto!" Konoha caught my attention.


"How the fuck did you manage that? He's one of the hottest guys in this school and you just practically got a lap dance from him!"

"I don't even fucking know man."

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