Roll it, Lick it, Smoke it

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Bokuto's POV

"Give me that Bokuto! You can't roll for shit!" Takeshi yanked the bud of weed and the paper from my hands. He rolled a perfect joint while looking me dead in my eyes. We normally get high like once a week, even though most of us have classes. 

Terushima, Kuroo, Kenma on Kuroo's lap, Takeshi with Hayase on his lap, and I were sitting at Terushimas kitchen table. A large bag of weed bought by Takeshi along with rolling paper, sat in the middle of us. A speaker quietly played Tupac and Biggie on the counter, connected to Hayase computer. Fuck 2006, our phones flip and Abraham Lincoln is dead! I rested my elbows onto the table, my fingers clasped together as Takeshi and I had a staring contest. A sound disrupted us.

Akaashi walked into the kitchen. His baggy shirt slide slightly off his neckline, making his shoulder slightly visible. He was stretching his arms and his shirt went up. His abs and V-line were showing just enough. My face heated up and I looked away. 

"What are you guys doing now?" He asked, confused.

"Hey sweetheart~" Terushima sang towards Akaashi, making him shrink back in disgust.

"Ah. You guys are smoking. I'll join I guess. I'm 18, might as well fucking try." He replied smiling slightly.

"There aren't any seats left so you can sit on Daddy's lap~" Terushima patted his lap, Akaashi looking away blushing. He walked over towards me and pushed my elbows off the table, plopping into my lap, sitting more on my knee and lower thighs than anything.

"Sorry. You were the last resort and I don't wanna stand." He said, his body twisting so he can look at me. I shrugged in response. 

Lighting the joint, Takeshi took a long hit. 

"Hey, bitch!" Kuroo snatched it out of his and dragged out his hit, inhaling very VERY loud. We passed around the table till it was my turn. 

I sucked on the joint and gave it to Akaashi.

"Do you know how to do it?" I asked him. He shook his head and I held it up in front of his mouth. "Put your lips on it and suck. Then inhale." 

After I gave him the blunt, my arms found their way to the back of my chair, my legs slightly spread. He followed my instructions while crossing his eyes, looking at my hand. He looked adorable, I wonder how good he would look su-

My thoughts were interrupted by coughing. I grab my water and had it to Akaashi, patting his back.

"You've never smoked, have you?"

"N-no." His eyes were already red. He must be a lightweight.

"Cute." I said quietly.

As we continued smoking, we talked about anything and everything. Eventually the topic went rated-r.

"Akaashi, you're gay. We're all fucking gay. Now. You are definitely a bottom. Do you have any toys?" Terushima, very rudely asked, causing Hayase to burst into a fit of laughter. 

"As a matter of fact Terushima, I do." He leaned forward making dead eye contact. "I have a lot~" He drew out the 'L', a wink ending his sentence.

Him leaning forward caused friction, sending blood straight to my dick. He must've noticed because his body tensed. I wiggling trying to get up but failed, one of his hands finding it's way to my right knee. 

"Where are you going?" He spoke, looking back at me. I relaxed back into my chair and adjusted my pants so no one could see the growing tent. He leaned back, crossing his arms. 

Instead of going back to his original posture, his ass sat right on my dick and his back touched my chest. My arms remained draped onto the back of the chair. I studied the back of his neck, my eyes trailing from behind his ear to where his shirt was a bit too loose. My dick twitched again. The blank canvas in front of me, I wanted to mark his fair, silky skin with hickeys and bite marks. He adjusted his position on my lap again, his ass grinding down onto me.

I let out a hiss and I could see Akaashi smirk. 

"Hey Brokuto? You good?" Kuroo asked me, his eyes red as shit.

"Yea Kubro! I scratched my arm on the chair, that's all." He believed my lie. My left hand fell to my side, gripping Akaashi's hip, not too hard though. His head fell back onto my shoulder and he side-eyed me. I side-eyed him back and he closed his eyes. He looked tired, his eyes were red as hell, dark circles colored the skin under his eyes. 

"Hey. Imma put Akaashi to sleep then go back to the apartment." I spoke, tapping on Akaashi's head. 

"Ok bro, stay safe." Takeshi said.

I nodded and stood, Akaashi bridal style in my arms. He was surprisingly light. 

I walked to his bed and placed him gently on top of it. Sliding the covers over him, I stood back up about to leave. As I turned around, a hand grabbed my wrist. 

"Stay?" Akaashi was sitting up and almost in tears. I frantically nodded and climbed under the covers with him. A tear rolled down his cheek and he sniffled. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" I wiped the tear off and cupped his cheeks in my right hand.

"I'm s-sorry for what I-I did in the k-kitchen. I t-teased and I d-didn't mean t-too. P-please don't h-hate me."

"Why would I be mad at you? I'm not mad. I liked it but I wasn't planning on doing anything to make you uncomfortable. I actually wasn't planning on doing anything till I got home." I chuckled at my last sentence and he let out another sob. I brought him closer to my chest. "I'm not mad, Prince. I promise."

"I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since the music contest. I didn't even know your name. I don't even believe in soulmates. I don't wanna fall in love, Bokuto-san. I'm scared I'll get treated how my dad treated my mom." He sat up and fiddled his pinkie and ring finger. 

"Calm down and go to sleep. You're okay." I pressed his shoulders down and laid next to him, bringing him to my chest. My fingers were entangled in his curly black hair and his arms were wrapped around my stomach.

After not even five minutes, he was fast asleep. 

Footsteps approached the room and Kuroo walked in with everyone else. 

"Hey. Are you coming home with us?"

"Yea. Gimme a sec."

I lifted Akaashi's head, placing a pillow under his head and in his arms. I walked out of the dorm with Kuroo, Kenma, Hayase, and Takeshi. 

We walked Hayase and Kenma to their shared dorm, then made our way to our apartment.

"You like Akaashi?" Takeshi spoke. 

"Nah. He's a friend." I responded.

"Yea. We will believe that." Kuroo joked, making us all laugh. 

I shook my head, my eyes focusing their attention towards my feet as I walk. A small and gentle smile played on my face.

He's just a friend. Right?

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