Finding You

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Akkashi POV

I woke up and patted the side of the bed next to me, finding nothing. My eyes peeled open to an empty bed and I sat up. As I looked around, I realized that Bokuto was nowhere to be found. Fuck. I stood up and stretched my body, a satisfying crack filled my ears. I threw a random short sleeve shirt on, which went to the end of my boxers. I walked downstairs and laughter ran throughout the house.

"Ah. Hey Akashi. Finally up?" Hayward turned to me and handed me a cup of coffee. I laid my head on his shoulder as he leaned against the kitchen counter.

"Hey.... Kaashi?" Takeshi looked at me, curiosity was glowing from his eyes. Soon enough his unspoken question was answered. Bokuto walked into the room, shirtless with just this boxers on. His chest and stomach were wet and his hair dripped onto the floor.

"He spent the night." Bokuto looked me up and down, smiling and winking at Takeshi.

"Shit man, how'd you do that?" He pointed at Bokuto then turned to me, still pointing. "How'd he do that?"

I flicked him off and he laughed, turning away from me. The smell of bacon and eggs surrounded me. I turned around to see Bokuto cooking breakfast and talking with Takeshi. I hopped onto the counter and placed my hands on the edges of the granite. Bokuto turned around and walked over to me, handing me a water bottle. As I grabbed the water, he made his way in between my legs and placed his hands on either side of me.

"G'morning, Keiji." He was still sleepy as his voice spoke, deep and rough.

"Good morning Bokuto-San~" I ran my hand through his hair and he leaned into my touch. He placed his head on my chest and his hands on my hips while I played with his hair. I looked straight ahead to see Kuroo, Kenma, Hayase, and Takeshi staring at us with their eyes wide open.

"What?" Bokuto turned around as I spoke to see what I was speaking to.

"You fucking tamed Akaaski!" Kuroo yelled, surprised.

"That's what good dick will do to you. It changes people." Takeshi looked me in the eyes and winked, making a stroking gesture with his hand. Hayase hit him on the head and turned back to me.

"Akaashi, baby boy. There's nothing wrong with having sex. It's natural. But please making sure you're being safe, condoms, lube, birth control. We don't know how much of a slut Bokuto is."

"Excuse me! I'm not a whore!" Bokuto out a hand over his heart.

"I don't have a uterus. I don't need birth control." I laughed.

"That's what they all say." Hayase shook his head and took a sip of his coffee.

"I will be leaving with my owl baby now."

Bokuto picked me up off of the counter and I locked my legs around his waist, waving goodbye to my other friends. We went into his room and he set me down on the bed, nuzzling his face into my neck and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"What happened to just staying friends?"

"What do you mean? This is a simply platonic cuddle sesh. Don't disturb Papa Owl."

I laughed quietly and ran my fingers through his hair. His hair was soft and silky, maybe even feathery.


Time skip brought to you by owls


I sat in the booth of a club in downtown Tokyo. Bokuto was on the stage about to do karaoke. He looked at me and frantically waved, his smile blinding the whole bar. Everyone turned to him as the music started. He swayed along with the music and spun in circles around the microphone. God that damn dork.

Put your head on my shoulder

Hold me in your arms baby

Squeeze me oh-so-tight

Show me that you love me too

Put your lips next to mine dear

Won't you kiss me once baby

Just a kiss goodnight maybe

You and I will fall in love

People say that loves a game

A game you just can't win

If there's a way

I'll find it someday

And then this fool will rush in

He pointed at me and beckoned me to the stage while singing. As soon as I made it to the stage, he grabbed my hand and started dancing around with me.

Words I want to hear

Tell me

Tell me that you love me too

We kept dancing as he sung to me, I swear if he dips me. I will cry. He's a very good singer and he's very handsome. He wore black ripped skinny jeans and a white t-shirt that showed his body off. Then, he dipped me.

Put your head on my shoulder

Why must he do this? He kissed my cheek and I stood back up, walking back to my seat with Kenma and Hayase. I looked back at him and smiled.

"Have fun?" Hayase asked me, smirking.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Fuck you." I felt arms snake around my waist and I turned around to see Bokuto. His eyes tearing up and his hair drooped with his shoulders.

"Did you not like it Keiji?" He looked at me in the saddest yet cutest way. I gave his head a quick pat and a kiss on the forehead.

"I loved it, Bo. Don't go emo on us."

He peeked back up and let me go, skipping over to Kuroo and Takeshi.

God, what are we going to do with him.

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