Chapter 2

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A thick tension swarmed the afternoon air as the king smashed both of his hands on the dark wooden table that was placed in the middle of the dining hall. The dark blue walls and golden chandeliers that hang gracefully from the painted ceiling shook lightly as a result of the vibrations. Lord Dracula was furious, furious enough to rip someone’s head off. He glared dangerously at the present servants, causing them to yelp in fear. 

A brave servant continued serving red wine in the crystal glasses that decorated the lunch table and dared to come within an arm length distance of Lord Dracula. The King took his chance and used his enhanced speed to reach the servant within a second and squeezed his throat. The veins in Lord Dracula’s neck seemed to pop as he added pressure to the servant’s throat and would’ve probably snapped if he had continued to do so.

“Draco!”, his wife ordered him sternly and sent him a disapproving look. Lord Dracula released the young servant, whom gasped for air the moment his feet hit the ground again, and looked rather irritated when he bit the inside of his lip. His hands were then slowly lifted in the air as he held them up next him head innocently.

“Alright”, he said and calmly sat down at the table again. He glanced around the table at his sons, who had dropped their utensils and were staring intensely at their father. It was common knowledge to any clerk in the palace that Lord Dracula had bad temper, but ever since the human girl had been brought into their lives, his ability to reserve those strong emotions had slowly faded till not much was left. At some points the only thing keeping him sane was his wife, Queen Narcissa. Her calm nature eased her husband’s outbursts and prevented him from derailing.

“Milord, we have perceived that the girl is safe and well. She is currently at her townhouse in the center of our city. My men have captured the Lady Lenora, who is found guilty of damaging royal property”, the first commander spoke, adding a small bow at the end. His small posture did not exude any power or authority, yet he was in fact chosen to lead the patrols for his vast skills and strength.

 The three present princes – Dimitri, Lucian and Nikolai – awaited their father’s judgment. Lord Dracula was a just king at most times, but a matter as delicate as the last human was not taken as lightly as a simple robbery in the streets of the capitol. A small smile crept upon Lucian’s face as he expected his father to sentence Lady Lenora to death. Newborns were normally exposed to sunlight, in which they would burn until nothing but ashes was left of their immortal bodies, but the execution of an Original was far more interesting. It was a slow process that needed several preparations. An altar would be set up on the large market place in the center of the capitol where every inhabitant could behold their fate if they would ever go against the kingdom’s law. Once attached to a large bar with thick chains, the Original would be shot from every direction with wooden stakes lit with fire, causing the Original to burn in flames until its last breath would escape its lips.

Nikolai glanced at his brother’s amused face before he turned to his father. Lord Dracula was about to declare his verdict when the large doors of the dining hall were swept open without warning.

“Tell them to ignore orders father!”,Adrian’s deep voice roared through the hall. Lord Dracula’s expression turned surprised as he watched his son near the table with a determined strut.Adrianshot a daring glare at his father as he leaned on the table with the top of his fingers. His light brown hair was even messier than usual and his blue eyes were squinted together, making him look almost frightening. Lucian’s amused smirk faltered immediately as he saw a sly smile creeping onto his father’s face. For a second, his eyes darted to Dimitri, but it seemed he was pleased by their brother’s interruption.

Adrian was furious at his father for having Lady Lenora arrested. When he had entered the palace earlier he had come across patrols that had been given orders to ride out and arrest a certain lady.Adrianhad approached them and had ordered them to dismount their horses and follow him to the dining hall, where Lord Dracula and his family would be having lunch. He did not think it was fair to capture Lady Lenora when there was no fair justification.Adrianhad seen to the human’s safety and had been there to make sure she was left unharmed. A trial would be highly unnecessary when nothing had happened.

Lord Dracula intertwined his hands, while resting his elbows on the table. He glanced at each of his sons, studying their curious expressions. Eventually, the King sighed and nodded firmly at his patrol. Their orders were dropped and they were to be sent back to their post.

“Now that that’s settled”, Lord Dracula said, leaning back in his beautifully carved wooden chair. “I might as well discuss another important matter.” His eyebrows were raised and he took a deep breath, while the four princes were watching him. The princes had not been surprised when their father agreed withAdrianso easily. Lord Dracula was driven by anger when he arrested the lady, but that anger gradually faded and Lord Dracula’s merciful natured resurfaced.

Nikolai picked up his utensils and started playing with them; he did not want to hear another one of his fathers boring consultations. He let his older brothers take responsibility for their duties as a Royal and much rather retreated to a quieter, preferably in the company of a lady. However, there was no way out anymore and Nikolai was obliged to stay and sit through the entire conversation.

In the meantime Adrian had taken a seat at the long table and eyed his father attentively. He pulled his expensive dark blue coat that was stitched with gold and steadied himself on his comfortable chair. Queen Narcissa looked rather worried and probably already knew what important matter her husband would want to talk about, although it was not a difficult guess, since every consultation revolved around the same subject.

“King Adolphus has sent me a letter in which he declares ten more of his people have been killed near the borders. He claims there to be marks of my Newborns all over the dead bodies”, Lord Dracula spoke.

Lucian and his younger brother Nikolai grinned amused, whileAdrianwas looking scared. He was well aware of King Adolphus’ growing hate for vampires and more particularly, Lord Dracula. Ever since the fall of the human kingdom, King Adolphus had been tolerant to the vampires and was afraid a similar faith awaited his kingdom, but as the years passed his confidence grew stronger and so did his people.

“We need to keep the Newborns under control, or else the King had threatened to wage a war against us”, Lord Dracula said with an amused smile. The men around the table started laughing; even Queen Narcissa saw humor in the threat.

“You’d think by now the wolves would have learned that we are invincible”, Lucian grinned when the laughter started to die slowly.

The king looked at his son with a knowing look and nodded. Of all sons, Lucian and Lord Dracula were most alike. They shared the same passions and hate, except the prince knew no morals. Whereas Lord Dracula showed mercy, Lucian often did not. If it had been for him, a peace treaty between the vampires and the wolves had never come about.

“You are right brother”, Nikolai agreed. “For centuries we have watched their kings die, while we have been living on. They are foolish weaklings to think they could ever conquer us.”

“Nevertheless I have to honor the peace treaty, my sons”, Lord Dracula said. “I have promised no harm would come to King Adolphus’ people, yet my Newborns cross the borders and kill his men. I will have to take measures.”

“Do you fear the treaty that much father?”, Dimitri questioned his father with a piercing look. He too did not understand why his father had ever signed such treaty. While Dimitri himself had tolerated both humans and wolves, though never sought any contact to the inferior species, his father had always loathed them. If he had recklessly killed the human race, then why did he not kill the wolves as well?

“Perhaps”, Lord Dracula said, lost in thoughts and took a sip of his wine. He glanced at each of his sons before smiling and urging them to continue eating.

“Go on then, eat. I believe your food is getting cold”, Lord Dracula pointed with his golden fork at Nikolai’s plate. The four brothers however did touch their own utensils. They wondered what reason there could be that made their father insecure. For all they knew their father had never doubted the peace treaty and always assumed things would turn around in case of any other threat and they always did. Yet never before had their father answered with perhaps.

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