Chapter 6 Back at the house

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A/N This chapter is kind of sad but don't worry it will get better!😋😘

Nash's P.O.V

I ran all the back to Ilyssa's house and I sat on their doorstep. I probably should warn her parents before they go inside because there's blood everywhere. I looked down at my soaked clothes. They were full of Ilyssa's blood and water. I started to think about Ilyssa and what the doctor said. But then Rob and Macy showed up. Rob started freaking out,
"haven't you done enough boy! Leave!"

"But Rob I really should warn you"

"Rob just let the boy speak" Macy said

"Fine make it snappy" Rob said looking angrier by the second.

"Well um you see um."

"Spit it out"

"Well you know how Ilyssa's accident happened in the bathroom well when I carried her down the the ambulance."

"You did that Nash? Carried her to the ambulance?" Macy said compassionately.


"See Rob I told you he is a sweet boy who cares about Ilyssa." Macy said

"Whatever" Rob said with a look a disbelief on his face.

"Anyways back to what I was saying, when I carried her to the ambulance she was bleeding and yah."

"Well that explains your clothes Macy said"

"So there's kind of.."

"Blood everywhere" Macy said

"I am so so sorry Mrs.Zimmer"

"Nash it's not your fault and you can call me Macy."

"Okay Macy. Well you might not want to go in there I hired someone to come and clean it up."

"Nash honey you don't have to do that"

"It's kinda my fault this happened"

"No it's not Nash stop putting all the blame on yourself. Call of the cleaning people we can handle a little blood"

"It's more than a little Mrs.Zimmer"

"Nonsense it can't be that bad"

Macy opened the door to see what looked like a horror film set. There was blood on the carpet the walls every where. Macy fell the the floor crying and Rob was who knows where so I went and comforted her.

"Na-Nash I I I'm so sor-sorry you had to g-go through this."

"Sh sh Macy it's ok"

"Your mother is lucky to have a kid like you"

"I know I'm pretty awesome" I said which made her laugh.

"I could picture Ilyssa and you together when your older"

"I hope we're together when we're older"

"Just make the right choices and Ilyssa will be with you forever and always."

"I will mam, I care about Ilyssa. I really do."

"I know you do Nash. I can see it in you eyes when you look at her"

"Well I'm going to go Change and go back to the hospital."

"Me too."

I left to go to my house. I took a shower and changed. I probably should eat. I haven't eaten or slept in 3 days but Im just not hungry. I'm really worried about Ilyssa. I should probably get back the the hospital. I jumped in my truck and drove to the hospital.

When I got there the doctors told me to go home and sleep because Ilyssa's surgery still wasn't done. I said okay but I didn't go home I just sat in the waiting room. I waited...
And waited...
And waited...
And waited...
Until finally the doctor came out and told me the surgery was successful and I jumped out of my chair and have the doctor a hug which made him laugh. "Can I see her" I asked

"I don't know if that's a good idea sir she might not remember you."

"I want to see her!"

"Okay but if she doesn't remember you you have to leave immediately."


"Because we're only giving her little bits of information about her life at a time to give her brain time to process it all."


Goes into Ilyssa's hospital room:

Her eyelids fluttered open as I sat in the chair next to her bed.

"Hi Ilyssa its Nash."

"Who's Ilyssa? Who's Nash"

"Your Ilyssa and I'm your boyfriend Nash."

"No I'm not I'm Maria."

"No your Ilyssa your form Minnesota and you moved to North Carolina. We're neighbors."

"No I'm Maria and I live in Ohio! I allways have and I allways will!"

"Ilyssa please come back to me I said crying at this point reaching for her hand"

"Stop get away form me!"

"Ilyssa please" I said moving closer.

"Get away form me now! nurse! Doctor someone help me!"

The doctors came in and pulled me away form Ilyssa. I struggled to get out of there grip but I couldn't. It was 3 against 1. Before the nurse closed the door locking me out from the room I yelled "I will always love you Ilyssa."

Ilyssa's P.O.V.

This random guy who says his name is Nash and he's my boyfriend. But my boyfriends name is Dillion. I love Dillion and I always will. He also said my name is Ilyssa. I always wished I had that name but my name is Maria. I'm just going to go to sleep. I just want to go home and see my best friend Victoria.

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