Chapter 7 Spaghetti and meatballs

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Nash's P.O.V

I walked out of the hospital bawling my eyes out. The love of my life doesn't even remember me! She remembers her ex-boyfriend that used her to have sex with her best friend though! "Why dose this have to happen to me!" I shouted at the sky.
I decided I needed some coffee because I was really tired. So I went to Starbucks remembering when we came here together she ordered a berry hibiscus refresher and I orders a strawberry smoothie, then we made a vine. White girls ordering Starbucks. I sighed and then I ordered a small vanilla bean frappe with a shot of caramel and a caramel drizzle. Thats Ilyssa's favorite. I remember she would always say Starbucks? and I'd reply Starbucks and nod. Then we would go get Starbucks. Starbucks was our okay. I was about to cry at this point to I got my drink and went out to my car and cried for a good 10 minutes. The doctors said Ilyssa can't go home yet because she doesn't ever remember her parents only Dillion. Iv seen all the pain that dirty bitch caused her. She cried about it to me the week we met. I need to find some way to make Ilyssa remember me. What am I going to do. Dam this frappe is good I should get it more often. (A/N Nash is alone in his car and talking to himself incase you were confused) Okay okay Nash focus I need to find some way to make Ilyssa remember me. Okay think Nash think. We didn't really have one special song I mean we have songs but we have a lot of them. We haven't been on a date yet so I can't recreate a date to jog her memory. I know! I can recreate the night we first kissed! I'll have my mom make spaghetti and meatballs and we will watch catching fire! This is perfect! I turned on my car and drove home. Once I got into the driveway I ran inside yelling

"Mom, Mom quick make spaghetti and meatballs!"

"Why" she asked laughing"

"I'm going to help Ilyssa get her memory back"

"Back where did it go?" She asked confused

"Oh yeah you don't know do you?"

So I told her the whole story about Ilyssa. When I finished telling her the story she hugged me and said
"I'm sorry baby."

"It's okay mom"

"I'll start making the spaghetti"

"Thanks mom"

I ran upstairs showered and put on the same outfit I had on that night. Then I called Ilyssa's mom and told her my idea she seemed kinda skeptical about it at first but she agreed to do it. My mom finished making the spaghetti put it in a container and we drove to the hospital.

When we got to the hospital I talked to the doctors. It took a lot of persuasion but the agreed to let me do it. The doctor took me in the room to see Ilyssa while my family and hers waited in the waiting room. I entered the room and she immediately flipped out.
"Get this crazy psychotic bitch out!" My heart shattered and I fell to the floor

"Maria it's okay" the doctor said."

"Her name is not Maria!" I stood up and said with tears streaming down my face

"Maria just give him a chance?"

"Fine" she said all snotty and bitchy
This is not the Ilyssa I am dating I thought.

"What do you want Nash?!?!"

"I-I-I br-br-ought you so-some sp-sp-spaghetti and me-at-balls" I said still crying

"Just set it on the table and leave!!!"

I set the food on the table and ran out of the room crying. When I got to the waiting room both families saw me crying and have me a group hug. Except for Rob.

"What happened Nash?" My mom asked

"That in there is not Ilyssa that some snottier, bitchier version of Brianna!"

"Well get her back some way Nash."

I went back to Ilyssa's room because I wanted to see if Ilyssa was eating the spaghetti but I didn't want to go in and face her again so I put my ear up to her door and listened,

"I hate this spaghetti! It's disgusting just like that Nash kid! I want my phone but the doctors won't give it to me! I want to call Dillion!"

"Maria you really should give Nash a chance" the nurse said.

"But I don't like that stupid ass bitch who is trying to steal me away from Dillion! I love Dillion! Tell the doctors to give me my fucking phone I want to call Dillon so he can do something about that stupid ass bitch!"

I couldn't listen anymore she hated me and she hated spaghetti and that was one of her favorite foods. I don't think I'll ever get my Ilyssa back. I guess I'm going to have to learn to get along with Maria. Because Ilyssa Zimmer the love of my life is gone. Forever.

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