Chapter 17 Oralia's house

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Ilyssa's P.O.V.

*In the car*

"Ugh I just realized something."

"What?" Nash asked.

"School starts in 4 weeks and I literally know no one besides you guys."

"Don't worry you can hang with me and my old friends. I haven't talked to them in a while but I know they'll love you!"

"Okay what are there names."

"Rylie and Lauren."

"Cool what are they like?"

"There super nice!" Before we could finish our conversation we pulled up into a yellow-tan house that was huge. It was about the same size as mine maybe even bigger.
"I'll stay here" Nash said. We got out of the car and walked up to the door.

"Shit! I don't have the key!"

"Good thing I always have a bobby pin!" I took our the bobby pin that was holding my hair out of my face and stuck it in the lock. With in seconds the lock clicked open.

"Ilyssa your a life saver!"

"I know!" I said smirking. I pushed the door open and walked inside followed by Oralia. Her house was amazing! The the right of the entry way was the office and the the left was the dining room. If you walked forward to the right there was a stair case leading upstairs and to the left of it was a staircase leading to the basement and to the left was the kitchen. If you walked straight you would walk into the living room. I was amazed. Oralia house was so beautiful! As I was about to walk into the kitchen I heard a big thump. It spun around to find Oralia on the floor crying. This is the first time I've ever seen Oralia cry. I didn't know what to do. I ran over to her and comforted her. I hugger her tightly. She was all folded up into a ball so it was kinda hard. But I hugged her and told her it would be all right.

"No it's not." She said sitting up with tears running down here face.

"Shh it will all turn out fine."

"How do you know?"

"Trust me I know."

"I've made so many memories at this house." I had a lot of my birthdays here. I had my first kiss over there in the living room. It was on Christmas Eve."

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." I said rubbing her back.

"It's just its just... I have no one... I'm an orphan. All alone."

"You will never be alone. I'll always be right here with you. Through all the ups and downs twists and turns. Life is like a roller coaster and I will always be there in the seat next to you. Ready to go down the next hill and around the next turn."

"Thanks Ilyssa. That really means a lot to me." I smiled nodded and wiped her tears away with my thumb. I stood up first and then extended my arm out to help her up. She grasped my hand and I yanked her up.

"My room is upstairs." Oralia said pointing to the stairs. Orlaia lead the way and I followed her. There was six doors leading to rooms but all the doors were closed. Oralia opened the second one on the left side. Her room was huge! Her walls were painted sky blue. She had queen bed a dresser a vanity and a book nook with two smaller closets on either side. I sat down on the book nook and looked out the window.

"I've always wanted in of these."

"There not really that cool when you have one. Believe me it would be better to have the closet space."

"I guess that true. I need more closet space and my closet is huge!" Oralia grabbed a series of bags form in the right closet and said.

"Just shove everything in a bag." I nodded and started shoving a series cosmetics into a Victoria secret duffle bag. I zipped it shut and grabbed another bag and went into the room next door which was the bathroom and grabbed hair and body care products and hair accessories. A tooth brush and tooth paste. I also threw some of her tampons in there because you know, a girl always needs those. I filled the bag with whatever I found in the drawers. I zipped that bag up and tossed it on Oralia's bed. I grabbed one more bag and filled it with clothes. Once Oralia and I finished with the bags we had we each had packed three bags. Oralia grabbed this incredibly comfy looking blanket that was fuzzy and slung it over her shoulder. We walked down the stairs and right as we were about to leave Oralia said,

"Wait one more thing! Hold this." Oralia said throwing the blanket on my head and ran to the kitchen. She opened a cupboard and grabbed out a box.
"Gotta have my pumpkin O's" I laughed because out of all things to specifically grab she remembers to grab a box of cereal. We walked into the back entry way which was through the kitchen and went out through the garage. Oralia closed the garage behind us. We put our stuff in Nash's truck and sat in our seats. Nash stated the car and drove back the way we came. after a good 20-30 minutes we were in my drive way. Nash put the truck in park and went around back to grab the bags. We each grabbed two bags Nash grabbed to blanket and Oralia grabbed the pumpkin O's. I typed in the code on the garage and we went inside. My parents weren't home, as usual. I thanked Nash and passionately kissed him. After a minute Oralia cleared her throat loudly to get our attention. We broke apart blushing.

"Goodbye." I said to Nash.

"Bye Ilyssa. Bye Oralia." Oralia waved and nodded to Nash as he left. I immediately turned to Oralia and asked,

"What's going on between you and Nash? Please tell me the truth I see the way you two look at each other when I'm in the room."

"There's nothing going on between us I promise." I tried not to make it seem like I eavesdropped on them.

"Did something happen between you guys while I was out. I wouldn't blame you. You didn't know." I said looking at the floor."

"Ilyssa I promise you nothing happened." I knew she was lying to protect Nash. I know Oralia seems so bad ass all the time but she really cares about people.

"Please tell me the truth." I pressed on.

"I am Ilyssa why won't you believe me." I sighed. She's going to catch on soon.

"Um I um... I've had trust issues because of my ex boyfriend." That wasn't entirely true but it still had truth to it.

"Dillion?" she asked sympathetically.

"Yeah." I said letting a tear slide down my cheek. Oralia came over and hugged me.

"It's okay." She said stroking my hair. I wiped away my tears and got up.

"Hey I'm really tired so I'm gonna go to bed but I will help you unpack in the morning and then we can go school shopping." I said yawning.

"Okay. Night." Oralia replied.

"There's food and stuff if your hungry."

"Okay." She said looking tired as well. I walked upstairs to my room thinking about how I just pulled that off. I just basically lied but not really, fake cried and pretend like I knew nothing about Oralia and Nash's history together. I know it's not a very good talent but I am a good actress and I'm good at lying. Not that I do it often only when it's necessary. I changed into spandex and one of Nash's hoodies. I brushed my teeth too but before I went to sleep I texted Nash

To: Best boyfriend ever😍💏❤️
Night Nash love you!😘😘😘

To: Lyssa Lovie😘❤️😍
Love you too babe!❤️❤️❤️

To: Best boyfriend ever😍💏❤️
Thank you for driving us😘

To: Lyssa Lovie😘❤️😍
No problem. See u tomorrow?😉

To: Best boyfriend ever😍💏❤️
See u tomorrow. Night😘😴

I locked my phone plugged it into charge on my night stand and went to sleep.

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