Chapter 14

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Ilyssa's P.O.V

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked Oralia.

"What happened to Dillion? I saw him run out of the hospital bawling."

"I was never really with him again."

"Wait what?" She asked looking really confused.

"I dated him when I lived in Minnesota."

"So long distance thing wasn't working out so he came here?"

"Hell no! He's an inconsiderate bitch who is only with people for sex!"

"Woah. Calm down. What happened?"

"He cheated on my by having sex with my best friend!"

"That's bad!"

"It gets worse."

"How can it possibly be worse?!?"

"I walked in on them and I asked him how could he do that to me and he said I never really loved you."

"That bitch! He hurt you! He's about to feel the wrath of Oralia!"

"Oralia it was 4 months ago." I said laughing.

"Still!" He messes with you he messes with me!"

"Calm down Oralia."


"I wasn't finished."

"Then say what you were going to say."

"How about we get revenge on him?" I said doing sort of an evil smile.

"You just became my best friend all over again!" She shouted.

"So what should we do?"

"I don't know but I should probably get back to Nash."

"Kk bye. Text me." She said as she left.

Nash walked back into my room and asked,

"What did you guys talk about."

I did the zipped lips thing and threw out the key.

"Fine don't tell me I'll just assume you guys talked about how hot I am."

Ilyssa laughed and so did I.

"I'm hungry." Ilyssa said.

"Come on babe lets go get some food."

Nash wrapped his arm around my waist, twirled me into him and gave me peck on the lips. We walked down to the food court with Nash's arm still wrapped around my waist. I ordered a piece of pepperoni pizza and Nash ordered a cheese burger. We sat down and ate our food talking a bit. But then final I said,

"I'm really sorry Nash for being so mean to you."

"Shh baby it okay."

"I know but you were so nice and you carried me to the ambulance and everything."

"It's okay baby seriously."

"Promise your okay?"


"Pinky swear?"

"Pinky swear." I said laughing. We locked pinkies and kissed a little bit. After we finished eating our food and we walked back up to the hospital room. It was late and Nash was about to leave and I asked,

"Will you stay with me?"

"Always." He replied laying down next to me on the hospital bed. I snuggled into Nash with my head on his chest. The sound of him breathing slowly put me to sleep.

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