Chapter 12 The fight

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Nash's P. O.V

"Excuse me are you Nash Grier?"

"Yes" I replied looking confused

He sneered at me and then... PUNCH! He punched me right in the right side of my face.


"Ilyssa, I mean Maria told me to"

I punched him back right in his left eye.

"So your Dillion!"

"Yep I am"

He kicked me in the leg.

"Back of my girlfriend bitch!"

I kneed him in the stomach.

"She's my girlfriend or at least she thinks she is." He said doing sort of an evil laugh kinda thing.

"She's my girlfriend! You cheated on her by having sex with her best friend!"

He swung at me head but I ducked.

"Have you guys even been on a first date yet?"

"Er um yes we have!"


"We go on coffee dates to Starbucks every day!"

"That's nothing compared to what I did!"

"What did you do?"

"Took her virginity."

I was so mad at this point I ran at him tackling him down to the ground. I swung punch after punch at his face. Until someone pulled me off of him. It was... Ilyssa's dad. Ilyssa's dad screamed,


"N-n-n-no sir I-I-I didn't."

"You just said you did!"

"I-I-I was lying to make Nash jealous."

"Then why was Ilyssa limping that night after you, her and a bunch of her friends went up to our lake house!?!"

"Sh-sh-she jumped off the dock onto a rock."

"We don't have rocks off our dock I took them all out!"

Rob swung a punch right at Dillion's nose and Dillion's nose started bleeding. Dillion got out of Rob's grip and ran away.

"Thank you but I could have taken him."

"I know you could have I just really wanted to do that." I laughed. "Wanted to do that to that kid ever since I'd met him." He said and I laughed again.

"You really do care about Ilyssa don't you?" He asked me.

"I do sir a lot." I said nodding my head.

"Well then I will help you find a way to get her memory back of you. She remembers us now she just doesn't remember you."

"Really sir?!?"

"Yes. I can tell you like her and I can tell she likes you a lot. She has never been that happy. Not even when she was with Dillion."


"Yep. Now you should probably go home and get cleaned up."

"Yeah" I said laughing

We walked our separate ways. As I walked home I was kind of happy Rob showed up because now I know Rob likes me. He never really had until now. So I guess that's progress on getting Ilyssa back because he will help me now. I was disappointed that I wasn't going to be the one to take Ilyssa's virginity. I mean I lost my virginity a long time ago but still. I wanted to do that. Well I guess I'll get over it. When I got home I got into the shower, took some Advil and went to bed.

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