A Day at the Gym 02

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My Engineer - Bonus - Ram x King - A Day at the Gym - Part 2- Special Request

RamKing 7.2 A Day at the Gym

While Ram concentrated on the task of making sure the hand wraps were not too tight nor too loose, King daydreamed as he stared at his boyfriend meticulously providing layer after layer of protection because he didn't want him to collapse a knuckle or jam a thumb.

A warm fuzzy feeling built, it's nice, to have someone care so much. He knew Ram took boxing quite seriously but felt his loving pup took his safety and well-being more serious than boxing. His heart did a small summersault as he concluded that he ranks higher than boxing.

The more he stared, the more he wanted to give Ram a kiss...

King leaned in and closed his eyes...

Almost there...

A little more...

Odd, he should have touched...

A semi-distant voice sounded, "P', flex your hands a bit, I'll go buy a pair of mitts for you, let me know if it's too tight."

"Huh?" Snapped out of his thoughts King opened his eyes and Ram was no longer within reach...He audibly sighed, what's gotten into him! Ram was just wrapping his hands, not stripping his clothes off...stop being so licentious!

King lectured himself a tad more and was determined to not diverge again but what came back were not only gloves but also a naked torso...his Mr. Instructor had removed his shirt and was only wearing those silky looking, bright-red trimmed, shiny black trunks...

Heat, all he felt was heat...

It took all his will power to not whimper...

He lowered his head and pretended to be interested in his flexing hands as if he was really testing out the level of comfort of the wraps but in reality, he was trying to hide his blush.

Ram noticed and was getting a kick out of the cute reactions, if he had known earlier that his P' would be so easily charmed he would have brought him to the gym ages ago. He deliberately closed in and whispered in his ears, "P'King, stand up."

King calmed himself as much as he could and did as he was told. He reminded himself that it's just Ram, he's seen and felt that body hundreds of times, there's no reason to lust after him...

While King persistently tried to get his mind out of the gutter, Ram put the new pair of mitts on for him then patiently taught him the basics for shadowboxing, although, how much registered, is a different story.

By the time Ram finished his lesson, King was still only concentrated on fighting with his lower half...

It only got worse as he couldn't follow by sight or get into the right stance no matter what because he was too immersed with calming himself down. He didn't know if Ram was doing it on purpose but each time he failed, the sexy-as-all-hell body would get behind him and move his body into place. A disturbing amount of warmth was emitted. Each time he was directed to throw a jab or punch Ram's desirable body pressed into his.

King finally lost it when he felt...it...against his backside...no groin protector! He uncontrollably pushed his bottom backwards but instead of the normally reciprocated grinding push, Ram harshly smacked his ass and told him to behave...

King whimpered and pouted...the little punishment made it even worse...he wanted to be spanked again...but could only do as he was told while fighting the urge some more.

Another hour of torture went by and Ram finally brought out the hitting pads but by then King already couldn't keep his hands up and his whole body burned. Even though Ram had given him the lightest gloves, keeping his arms up the whole time while trying to learn how to jab, straight punch, hook and uppercut with his N' moving his body around to those stances was already his limit. He needed to stop and take a cold shower!

My Engineer - Ram x King - Bonus ChaptersWhere stories live. Discover now