That Adult Toy Store 01

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Chapter 032 - Bonus - Ram x King - That Adult Toy Store (Part 1)

RamKing 3.1 That Adult Toy Store

Ram smiled, he also stuffed his purchase in his bag and headed home, he couldn't wait to see his P'. He felt apologetic about last Sunday and thought of the perfect way to make it up to his King!

As soon as he returned, the rectangular box went into their x-rated treasure cove, he had to make sure King says okay before seeing it, that would minimize the chance of the whole idea being rejected.

While he waited for the owner of the condo to return, he fed their sons and King calls them. Ram even gave each pot a "hello" before he sprinkled, "how was your day" as the nourishment seeped in and a "bye bye" before moving on to the next one. His greenhouse master said it was important to have verbal conversations with he obliged...

The task took double the normal amount of time to complete yet everything occurred perfectly in sync, the moment Ram put the watering can down, the sound of jingling keys was heard.

King gave Ram a peck on the cheek as soon as he walked through the door, handed the food over and went to change. As they ate, he rambled on about his week, while Ram silently listened.

Generally, Ram was quite attentive and listened to his P's animated descriptions of his work week and co-workers, though currently, he was distracted; his attention was on devising a plan to get his P' to consent to letting him use the latest acquisition.

It didn't take too long, he knew how to convince King, there were always ways to get him to agree. He even suspected King liked the little back and forth, push and pull games.

After they've had their full, the duo rested on the sofa, Ram played the big spoon and held on to King, they turned on a random movie and enjoyed the warmth of each other's body heat.

King was quite concentrated until he felt Ram's breath on his ear, he figured his frisky tail-wagger was going to make a move sooner or later, but rather than being affectionately mauled, only a question was posed, "Remember P' had said, he'll do everything that I tell him to do?"

King moved to face Ram and examined with questioning eyes, what was he up to now?... ... ...

Last Sunday's scene replayed in his mind, he had screamed at the top of his lungs "FINEEEE!!! P'LL DO EVERYTHING THAT N'RAM TELLS P' TO DO!!!"

Ram had cuffed him up and left marks all over his body...

He had to wrap himself up like a mummy the whole week...

He had to put foundation all over his neck and behind his right ear...

All of his colleagues gave him weird looks...

He was not ready for whatever it is that his devious canine has stashed this week...

So he dishonestly said, "No..."

Ram showed a sad pout, blinked a few times then pitifully dipped his head into King's neck, wrapped his arms tighter around the waist and made a puppy whine.

King was dumbfounded, an actual puppy whine!

What the hell!

Where did he learn that from?!

It was too adorable!

That was unfair!

He knew at that moment, it clearly wasn't going to end in his favor, semi-reluctantly he queried, "Okay, what is it, what do you want?"

Hidden from King's view, Ram grinned, "Volunteer."

King sighed a breath of relief, the university probably had another project to plant trees or something along that line, no big, he loves Mother Nature, all he had to do was ask. Did Ram think he was going to say no because he would have to take off of work, was that why he didn't ask like a normal person? King didn't suspect a thing and answered, "Sure, when will the group be going?"

Ram rubbed his nose in King's neck and didn't answer because it wasn't going to lead to the respond that he needs, in a low pleading tone he whispered, "So, yes, volunteer?"

"Huh?" King squinted his eyes, why did he have to ask twice? It was a bit shady...

What was his no good pup up to again?

Was it another trap?

Maybe he should make sure to find out what he's signing up for first?

But if it's for the university, how bad can it be?

"Tell P', for what?" King was apprehensive, he knew Ram was tricky, but still didn't understand, if it's for a charitable cause, why did he have to inquire in such a way?

"P', promise first..." He nudged his nose at King's ear then behind and placed his lips on where his name was forever inked, he casually traced it with the tip of his tongue.

King shivered, that spot, he was too weak against this N' of his, one of these days, he's going to be the death of him, he just knows it.

The more Ram did, the more suspicious King became, he had to be resolute, "Tell P' first."

Ram continued licking and bit the ear lobe then travelled his moist appendage to outline the ear from where he just tasted to the helix, with a light flick to the tragus, "Na, P', say yes first?"

King closed his eyes to better enjoy the sweet diversion, his damn mutt was too seductive, he really was too sly, but he cannot give in! Each time he did, he always ended up either unable to get out of bed, tied up or tagged all over, even though it was always enjoyable, well, more than just that, it was always mind blowing, but...he's an adult!!! He has work to take into consideration...However, it's he does have Saturday and Sunday to rest...

King was tempted, he had never told Ram but he indeed liked all the different ways his wolf pup could excite him and make him do things that he normally wouldn't do. He was outgoing, but his introverted lover was way more unreserved than him. Also...much, much, much, much more crafty, case and point...skillfully using his tongue on him to get what he wants...

Ram persisted, his throaty voice flowed, "P', volunteer...naaa?"

As King delightfully savored the treatment, his mouth unintentionally babbled, "Mmmmmm...okay..."

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