Memory| Jace X Reader

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 The Shadowhunter name thing is on Pinterest Y/s/l/n stands for your shadowhunter last name. Next: Alec X Reader 

*Two years ago* 

Y/n's POV 

"Y/n, please don't go," whines your boyfriend Jace. 

"I'm sorry babe but there's a rouge Warlock that the Clave needs me to ya know," you say strapping on two seraph blades. 

"But babeeee," Jace continues to whine. You roll your eyes sliding your stele into your pocket. 

"Don't whine Jace," you scold adding a seraph knife to each of your holsters in your boots. 

"C'mon can't Maryse send someone else?" 

"What do you think I'm not a good enough Shadowhunter to do it myself?" 

"Well," Jace shrugs. 


"I was kidding!" 

"Mhm sure!" 

"It's true!" he says going to kiss you. 

"Nah," you say smirking leaning away from him. 

"Please? I'm super duper sorry!" Jace gives you his puppy dog eyes. 

"Oh alright fineee." 

"Yes!" Jace kisses you sweetly. 

"Now I have to go," you say pulling back heading towards the Institute doors. 

"Come back!" Jace shouts after you. 

"I will! Promise!" 

*Time Skip* 

You've reached where the Warlock was hiding a abandoned factory. Pulling out you seraph blade you whisper it's name. You enter the abandoned building. 

"So the Shadowhunters have sent their beloved Y/n Y/s/l/n?" 

"What's with the stereotypical abandoned building? Why can't it be a nice place you criminals chose to hide out in?" you ask listening for the Warlock's voice. 

"Really?" the Warlock asks. 

"What! You seriously don't want to live in a nice place?" 

"Well I mean yeah but-" 

But you cut him off by running forwards slashing at him with your seraph blade. He barely dodges your oncoming attacks. 

You aren't giving him a chance to use his magic. Finally you land the final blow but before he fades he casts a spell on you causing you to pass out on the floor. 

When you woke up the first thing you said was, "Where am I?" 

*Present Time*

 You now had your memory back after two months thanks to Jocelyn Fairchild. But you were in debt to her so when you asked what you could do in exchange she said, 'Watch out for my daughter Clary'.   So that's what you did ever since you got your memory back and what started out as a simple job turned into a friendship.  But it was difficult lying to your friend but that's what Jocelyn wanted even though you told her it could put a strain on hers and Clary's relationship. 

"This music is awesome!" Simon shouts over the music. You roll your eyes, knowing that Simon only puts up with the place because Clary likes it. 

"Hey do you guys see those two people over there? The ones following the guy from earlier," Clary asks. 

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