Im What

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It was two days after i had woken up, Kairi, Alvaro, Ale, Roshaun, and Robert visited me
When i saw that Mattia wasnt their i remembered what happened
I dont need him
I did but he hurt me so im gonna forget about him, i dont want him in my life no matter what
Erick stayed with me for the past three days, honestly we got even more close than we had ever been
And im glad, he's just erick, my erick, the erick i fell in love with
No why am i saying that i cant be in a relationship right now i need my time
"You want something to eat" erick asked
"YESS! Im starving" i say, he laughs and it was cute
"Okay what do you want" he asked
"I dont know whatever will be okay" i say
"Okay stay here ill come back" he said letting go of my hand to go get the food.
My mom and dad came to visit me every day after work, the boys (minus mattia) , and the other boys (zabdiel, Richard, joel, Christopher and ofc Erick)
You called the girl every morning
You go on your phone and their was really not anything interestin, you put your head up and turn to the side and watch out of the window, you close your eyes
"y/n i never got the chance of tellling you, but i regret it, i know you 17, and im 19, but y/n i love you, i have always loved you, but i didn't realise it until i was far away from you, and all i wanted was to be with you, when you liked me when we where younger i never really thought about it, but then having the feeling that you are the person that i just wanted to be with always made me relised that i always loved you, i know you may see me as a brother, but that day in the hotel, with you in my arms made me realized that maybe you also needed me just like i needed you"  you remember hearing that
"Erick?" You say confused
"I love you but i just cant" you whispered quietly to yourself
A tear falls down just thinking about everything
When Erick and the boys left you got so broken because you knew you weren't gonna be with them, specially Erick
The door opens and you quickly wipe your tears as you look up it was Erick with a huge smile on his face, which made you smile
"Hey heres your food" he said walking in with trays of food
"Thanks" i said
"Why where you crying" he asks
"I wasn- how did you know" i asked looking down
"Y/n i know you im not dumb"
"Sometime" you said smiling
"Wow, but why where you crying" he said placing down the tray in the table
"I dont k-know i just" you say taking in a deep breath, "did you actually like me when we where younger" i ask
"Yes" he said shyly "how did you know, did you hear me"
"Well i dont know but right now i remembered hearing you say all those thing"
"Damn well that's embarrassing" he said embarrassed
"No it isnt but did you mean it, all the stuff that you said"
"Yeah y/n how could i not" he said "b-"
You leaned in closer to him, and he did too you pressed your lips against his, and he kissed back. You hear something out the room and you backed out of the kiss just like Erick did
"What was that" i ask
"I dont know lemme check" erick said looking out of the room, "theres nothing something probably fell"
"Oh okay" you said smiling looking at him eyes
"Y/n you sure that that was okay" erick asked
"Yeah, but i need time"
"Yeah im not gonna rush you, ill always wait for you" erick said
You smile and you start blushing
"Well wanna eat" he said

Mattias Pov
Again waking up to Cynthia in out spot hers and mine not cynthias and mine. There she was. Not her, every single day the same thing
I wonder if she has gotten out of the hospital

1 week ago
I was at school, kairis locker is just 3 people away and i hear him talking to to Ale
"I hope she wakes up" kairi said
"Shes strong, trust me she will, she cant just leave us this easy" ale said
My heart dropped, mi amor, she wasnt waking up

Back to present
Ever since that day i had been going to the hospital and i kept asking but they said it was private informations
No today is the day, i dont care i have to see her, i need to know she's okay
I leave cynthis there i could honestly care less about that bitch, she wasn't even good, no one will ever be good like y/n
I go to my car and drive to the hospital, i pass by the front ladies
And i hear doctors talking
"Y/l is in room 168, she just needs a check up and see how she's doing and if she's alright and we have to tell her about it"
"Okay doctor Madariaga, ill be their at 5"
"Okay" said the taller doctor leaving
She's in room 168, i look around and i passed by room









Getting close





Holy fuck her room is next, my heart starts beating faster my hands sweating, SHE HATES ME, she doesn't want to see me
But i need her and i want her
I took a deep breath and slowly walk to her room looking down i slowly look up at her window and-

There she was kissing Erick, my blood boiled

"NO NO I CANT LOSE YOU, NO FUCK" I say walking backwards until my back touched the wall, i clench my jaw and tears fall down

"NO" i say and i run out pushing a cart that had medical stuff and everything fell down
I run to my car and i sat their speechless

Your Pov
I was laying beside erick in the hospital bed, we ate and decided to watch a show Sin Seños No Hay Paraíso our favorite Telenovela since ever
"Catalina?" I say
"The fuck" erick said looking deeply at the tv which made me laugh
He looked back and he smile, i wrap my arms around him and cuddle with him
He leans in and i do to
Knock Knock
The door opens and we pull aways as fast as we could
"Oh sorry for interrupting" the doctor said
"No its fine" i say
"Im here for your check up"
"Oh okay" erick said moving out of the bed
"Well looks like your getting a lot better, much faster than we expected, have you felt dizzy or nauseous lately" the doctor asked
"Well nauseous not really but i do have that sense of disgust, why is it a symptom?"
"Y/n yes its a symptom but not for what happened" he gulps, "y/n your pregnant"
"Im what" i say in shock
"Your pregnant"

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