1: We're all aliens, if you think about it (edited)

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(This awesome cover art is by @BendysFather)

I was sat at my desk, bored and tired as my "oh so lovely" teacher, Miss Bitters, droned on and on about meaningless topics.

I constantly questioned why she was allowed to teach but, over time, I eventually learnt to accept that I wouldn't learn anything. Can you see the irony in that?

Whenever I looked around this room, the atmosphere was always depressing and I could never seem to figure out why everything was so....out of place.

The lesson was as slow and boring as usual but....

A change of pace can go a long way.

"Class, I'd like you to meet the newest, hopeless appendage of the student body. His name is...Zim..." I looked towards the front of the class. My eyes were as wide as Dibs head at the sight of a small boy with green skin.

I couldnt help but stare. The boy was unexpectedly strange looking, not just because of the green skin he featured.

There was more I noticed. Three fingers on each gloved hand. The lack of a nose or ears. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind that this kid would unfortunately be confronted for his appearance by someone. I just hope he'll be ok.

I quickly shook off my expression, not wanting to draw attention or appear rude as I examined the figure by Miss Bitters' desk.

"Zim, if you have anything you wish to say, say it now. Because after this moment, I dont want to hear another sound from you!!" She spat harshly, giving her body a snake like demeanor.

My eyes trailed, once again, to the tiny form that was zim. He wore black leggings, gloves and boots along with a magenta tunic that featured light pink sleeves. His hair was black, with a cowlick, and his eyes were a purple/grey colour.

"Hello, friends. I am a perfectly normal human worm baby. You have Nothing, absolutely nothing, to fear from me. Just pay no attention to me and we'll get along fine"

I couldnt help but allow for a small smile to grace my features. There was something rather amusing in his words.

"Take your seat now, zim" Miss Bitters said, quickly going back to her lesson.

Zim had sat in the empty seat at the front, nearest to the classroom door. If I wanted, I could lean over and tap his shoulder from where I sat next to Zita.

"Today's lecture is about outer space"


"And how it will eventually implode in on itself!!"


Why did everything have to come back to "Doom, doom, dooooommmm"?

I shouldn't be surprised. Why did I think a new kid being here would change the quality of the lessons? I sighed, leaning back in my chair and staring at the clock. I could feel time laughing at me, saying stuff like "hah I'm gonna make you sit here for another hour!!"

Man, I wish this school was like my old one, at least it gave us something to learn. And it didnt have to worry about such an awful budget with just as awful staff to fit.

Everything about this school was unappealing. The entire building was practically a pig sty and the students within it were all really ugly pigs.

At least that's how I viewed it. I never really had friends here. Sure I would talk to people once in a while but I couldnt consider myself friends with anyone. No one in this school was likable enough. Not really.

Zim raised both hands, waving them, as he stood on the desk. It grasped the attention of Miss Bitters. I'm suprised she even bothered to listen.

"Yes, Zim?"

Irkens Cant Love (Zim x reader)Where stories live. Discover now