My star ⭐️

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Hehe, hoped I blessed your eyes with The ninjas abs ;) did y'all nosebleed?

FYI, the amazing pics of Kai and Cole aren't mine.

Cole's POV

I guess I judged Kai too quickly.

I kinda feel bad. I had no idea how he felt, and I let my own emotions take over.

See, this is what happens when I go this long without cake.

"Sorry for being so insensitive." I apologized.

"Nah, it's okay." Kai said. "I mean, I am a hothead after all, I know what's it's like." He smirked.

Ah, his signature smirk. The one that got all the ladies.

I had rock hard abs and all I get are pastries. 😭 But I mean, I'm not complaining.

"Look, we'll figure this out later. No matter what, we don't fight. Brothers to the end, okay?"

Wow, that was unexpected. I was expecting more of a first one who gets her to kiss him gets her kinda thing, but this works too.

I smiled. "Yeah, okay."

Kai stood up from the rock we were sitting in, brushing the dirt off of his red gi. "Wanna head back now?"

"Nah, you go on. I need some time too calm down." I responded.

Nodding, he left. "Meet in my room on the island."

"Got it."

After I felt truly alone, I closed my eyes and tilted my chin up, exposing my neck to the cool evening breeze. I let out a breath of warm air.

"The breeze sure feels good, doesn't it?"

"AHH! WHAT TH- Vivi?" I asked, my eyes snapping open.

Oh my god. How long had she been here? She scared me so bad!

"The one and only." she replied, winking.

God, she was adorable. I felt my heart beat start to race. Taking in a shaky deep Breath, I attempted to slow it down. It somewhat worked.

I craned my neck to the left so I could face her. Her gorgeous eyes, staring up at the now starry night sky.

Her eyes were just so... different. Majestic. They were mysterious, they drew you in. Made me want to figure her out. Like a blue-purple fog, I got lost in them. A place where I could escape. Somewhere beautiful.

Suddenly, I found her eyes staring back at me. We both smiled, and laughed. I love it here. Being with her, I forget all my worries. I can let go. Be happy, free. I've only known her for a few hours, but I felt so alive with her.

"So, about what happened earlier..." I started, but was interrupted by Vivi casually shaking her head.

"It's okay, you don't have to explain. I've felt it too, that way you feel. All I ever wanted back then was someone I could trust and talk to. Someone who would accept me for who I am and wouldn't pressure me into anything. I want to be that someone for you, Cole. Just know you're never alone, okay?

I felt my eyes swell up with tears once again. "W-why are you so eager to help me?" I asked, stuttering like an idiot. "We just met a few hours ago."

"Because nobody else deserves to feel that pain. Especially not you." Looking straight into my jet black eyes, she continued. "Even though you think that you aren't cared about, you are, Cole. You don't have to talk about it now, or ever. Everyone has their own way of dealing with this kind of stuff, so you do you. Just know that if you ever feel alone, come to me. I'll always be there, okay?"

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