Morro 🍃

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Kai's POV


"So, you guys ready for this adventure?" I asked.

"Eh, I guess," Lloyd answered.

I sighed, and put a hand on his shoulder.

Right when Sensei delivered the news that Lloyd and Vivi has to go on a mission, Garmadon had left mysteriously. Not only that, Chen was gone too.

We had kept him locked up here, until we could get a cop to come by.

It's no coincidence that both Garmadon and Chen disappeared at the same time. It's connected somehow, and I think Lloyd knows it too.

"Listen kid, don't worry." I reassured him. "He'll come back."

"But you don't understand! I'm completely lost without him! I have nobody to look after me!" He complained, completely freaking out.

"Trust me, if anybody knows how hard growing up without a dad is, it's me." I said.

I chuckled, and nudged him on the head. "Don't worry, I'll look after ya."

He laughed, and begged me to stop.

Then, Vivi walked in.

"Awww you guys are such little kids," She snickered.

I laughed, and let Lloyd go.

"So, you ready for your first mission?" I asked her.

"Yup" she nodded. "I'm excited!"

"Well, they could've called us down for a stupid reason," Lloyd reasoned.

"Ugh, stop being so pessimistic! Lighten up green bean!" She laughed.

Lloyd let a small smile show, and pulled his mask over his head.

We were three feet from the ground.

"Ready to go?" He asked Vivi.

"How many times are you guys gonna ask? Yes!" She giggled, pulling her brand new, crisp purple mask over her head as well.

"Well, good luck you two," I dismissed.

"Take care of my motormouth twin for me if I don't make it," Vivi joked.

But it wasn't her who never came back.


I was in the dojo, squaring off with Zane.

No matter how many fire punches I threw at him, he always blocked them with his ice. Come on! I mean, fire literally melts ice!

Finally, Zane decided to switch to offense, and pinned me to the wall with his ice.

"Guess I win- again!" Zane laughed.

I let out a huff in frustration. "Just let me out already!"

"As you wish," Zane shrugged, breaking the ice.

I plopped to the poor, released from the freezing prison. "Well that was annoying."

"Losing- again?" Zane snickered.
I groaned and got up from the floor. Suddenly, the dojo door burst open, revealing Jay.
"Come on! They're back! From the mission!" He squealed.

Zane and I glanced at each other before rushing out the door, with Jay close behind.
Once we finally made it to the control room, which is where the exit is at, (well, one of them) we watched as Nya pulled the bounty a few feet lower.

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