Hurt inside 😔

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Lloyd's POV

"Do we have everything?" I asked.

After Zane went to go wake up the others, Vi and I had started thinking up a prank to wake Jay up with. Problem is, we had way too many ideas. Seriously, this girl was a pranking goddess. So instead of just doing one prank, we decided on doing four.

"Uhh, let's see. Gong and shaving cream?"


"Ropes and Coffee table?"


"Permanent markers? Hot sauce? Red dye?"

"Check, check, aaand check."

"Ok, that should be everything." Vi said.

"Great." I responded, a grin plastered upon my face. "Let's do this!"

Slowly and quietly, we tiptoed into Jay's room.

"What first?" Vi whispered.

"Table?" I suggested, my voice the same tone.

Nodding, Vi lifted the table.

With her mind.

My mouth hung open in amazement. She just lifted a coffee table without moving a muscle! She should be the green ninja!

"Whoa, that's..."

"Amazing?" She finished, smirking. "Yeah, I know."

I chuckled at how prideful she was. "You know, you remind me of Kai."

"In wha-"


Vi and I flinched at Jay's early morning commentary. Seriously, I think my heart skipped a beat or two. Jay has serious issues.

Holding in laughs, we continued our master plan.

"So, as I was saying, in what way do I remind you of Kai?" Vi asked, while I was balancing on the edge of Jay's bed tying a rope we found to the coffee table, and then to the fan above his bed. Which was right above his head. Let's just say, Jay was gonna wake up with quite a bang.

"I mean, both of you are just so egoistical. It's almost like your a master of fire as well." I tugged on the rope, making sure it was secure.

"Am I?" She laughed, still keeping her voice low. "I mean, I guess it's from how I was raised." She released the small table from her mind's grip, grabbing the markers. "You wanna draw on him? I'm a terrible artist."

"Sure." I replied, taking the marker from her hand. What should I draw?

"Hmm... OOH! I got it! Make him a baboon, he's afraid of those." She suggested, waltzing into his bathroom to grab his toothpaste.

"Why the heck is he afraid of baboons?" I snorted, trying to keep my hand still as I drew.

"Long story, happened at the adoption center." She laughed, her voice saddening near the end.

I nodded, not wanting to dig too deep into their past. This isn't the best time to get emotional, and I'm not great with feelings either. I was at least better than the others, Jay and Nya being an exception.

I grabbed the shaving cream and sprayed it out onto Jays upturned palm. HIs hand twitched during the process, so I froze for a second. Like a deer when it senses danger.

Meanwhile, Vi was mixing in hot sauce and red food dye into Jays toothpaste.

Best. Pranks. Ever!

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