chapter 5

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Chapter 5.

24 April 1992.

"Come on, come on! You guys are so slow, hurry up, will you?" Regine yelled irately over her shoulders. "What's keeping you girls?"

It was one of those times that Regine demonstrated how bossy she could be. When she's determined and excited, no amount of force or army could shatter her willpower. They knew that quite well. That is the reason why they permitted her into hauling them to see one of Hagrid's new dangerous creatures. Her owl had arrived not long ago with a note from Hagrid, enlightening her of some creature he discovered and that she would be interested in it. Luck wasn't on their side when Hagrid also cited for them to tag along.

"Slow down, Regine... Hagrid's hut isn't going anywhere, I tell you." Harry cringed at the display of sheer power from Regine as she forcefully yanked his arm towards Hagrid's hut. He often wondered if all girls packed this much strength, or was it just his friends?

"What's so special about this one that's causing you to be this impatient? Can't you just tell us and be done with it?" Daphne grunted, already picturing some nasty creatures leaping in on her. She shuddered at recalling the events of last year, not ones she fancy to undergo again. Mercifully, Harry was there. "Can't we just go tomorrow? I find it uncomfortable at going this late."

"Regine... is this really worth it? You drag us out here right after we got out of the library, and Daphne is right. I agree with her, we'll get in trouble if someone caught us out here." Callista looked around in all directions as if imagining someone to swoop out from behind a tree or bushes.

"Yes, this is worth it," Regine countered steadfastly. "Hagrid mentioned in his note that he's expecting it to hatch this evening and Callista, we've done this like many times, so stop worrying too much."

"Regine is right, you two are such spoil sports!" Sheila stated bravely, a hint of apprehension in her tone. "This isn't like last year, right? That three headed dog scared the crap out of me."

"So much for Gryffindor bravery..." Daphne drawled. Sheila glared at her Slytherin friend in response.

"Ah, come on you guys. Fluffy isn't that bad, he's cute..."

"You're saying that because that- that thing actually likes you! It almost bit my head off! If it weren't for Harry, I wouldn't have a head left!" Sheila's body quivered, dashing to Harry and clutching his robes to seek for his protection. "I don't want to end up like headless Nick. It would be so weird if people start calling me the headless Sheila."

"Oh Sheila, don't be so dramatic. Fluffy was just playing with us. There was nothing for us to worry about Fluffy at that time..." All three girls shivered at the idea of 'playing' with a Cerberus. More like the huge dog was taunting them as if they were his food to chew on. "Now that you guys mention it, I kinda miss the big dog. I'll ask Hagrid about Fluffy later on!"

Harry stared at Regine's look of total bliss and the three girls' expression of terror. He heaved a weary sigh. "Look, perhaps we ought to not visit today and come back another time-"

"What! No!" Regine was immediately against his idea.

"Harry has a point here, Regine, it's already late..." Callista backed up, possibly saving their lives from whatever Hagrid had hidden in his hut. "I'm sorry, Regine, but we need to go back to the castle."

"I'm with Callista on this. We promise we'll go see Hagrid the first thing tomorrow morning, but for now, a beauty sleep would be adequate," Daphne reasoned. Nevertheless, deep inside, she was hoping the girl would disregard it the next day.

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