chapter 14

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i dont own hp and i found this book on also sadly this book was abandoned at ch21
Chapter 14.

8 November 1992.

That very early morning, Daniel Potter was aggravated, though part of him was relieved that Gryffindor had won yesterday's match. However, the victory didn't amend the fact that he'd landed himself in the infirmary without a bone in his arm and was in the process of growing a new one. It was a painful procedure. He had lost his bones all because of that fraud. Harry was right, the man was a fake. Lockhart had been doing nothing but converting his life at Hogwarts into a miserable one. And now, after he had caught the Snitch, Lockhart had cast a spell onto his arm that wholly evaporated the bones inside it.

Oh, he had almost forgotten that blasted elf, Dobby. That elf was the real reason he was in here in the first place.

Dobby told him everything - more like unconsciously divulging the secrets - the elf was the one who had sealed the barrier and tampered with the Bludger. Apparently Dobby did it all to save him. Daniel was even more frustrated after hearing all of that from the elf. If it weren't for his arm, he would strangle Dobby to death! How could anyone save a person by hurting them? The elf did let slip out that the Chamber of Secrets exist. In the middle of their banter, the elf was suddenly frozen and hovered in the air. Daniel was shocked at this abruptness whilst Dobby squeaked fearfully. He thrashed aggressively in mid-air, desperate to break free from whatever was retaining him. It gave the impression that Dobby was trapped in an invisible sphere.

"Now, now," someone grunted. "No need to struggle. You're actually making this harder for me."

Daniel's heart leapt at the familiar tone, but a tiny part of him squirmed in anxious. He hadn't talked with his brother for two whole months and Daniel dearly hoped he wouldn't get scolded. The only time his brother wished to talk to him was when Daniel was to be reprimanded. But he had been drastically improving his studies, which earned Hermione's approval and admiration. Nevertheless, his other best friend complained at his unexpected transformation in taking his schoolwork more seriously. Ron thought Daniel's study habits last year were bad enough, but this year was a hundred times worse. Something had encouraged Daniel and Ron never fathomed what stimulated his best mate into such a state.

Dobby squeaked more, decanting more magic to disentangle himself from the 'cage'. Harry briskly sauntered over to his brother's bed, his face contorted in pure concentration, both of his hands aiming at Dobby, trembling slightly.

"I told you to quit struggling, elf...or would you prefer of I ensnared you in a more painful method?" he rumbled, getting more and more vexed by the minute. Harry had to admit the little elf put up quite the fight and he had to pour more magic into the containment. "That's. It."

"W-wait, don't hurt him!" Daniel exclaimed.

"Cornior!" A flash of purple light struck the elf. Dobby straightened firmly in a rigid pose. His eyes widened in horrorstruck as he commanded his body that wouldn't budge an inch. He wriggled more and more, still the results were the same. "Don't worry, elf. I just put you in a binding spell. Think of it like your body has been tied by a rope. You're stuck like that unless I release you from the spell." Seeing his brother's confused looks, Harry explained some more, "It's a spell from our mansion library. It's much like the Body-Bind Curse, Petrificus Totalus, just in a different form. This spell enables the victim to talk and move their head."

"Anyway..." Harry smirked, conjuring a seat wandlessly. "I heard everything."

If possible, Dobby's eyes popped more. "No, no, no, no one must know! Dobby shouldn't have told anyone! Dobby should have checked to see if anyone was around! Bad Dobby! Bad!" The elf wailed as tears trickled down his ugly face, the picture of pathetic helplessness.

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