chapter 9

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Chapter 9.

3 July 1992.

Harry Potter was proud to declare, he was the youngest member in Quidditch history of playing professional.

In spite he did not parade it to anyone, he was itching in excitement and was ready to burst. It's simply extraordinary for a player whose age young as him, joined one of the Quidditch professional clubs but here he is, currently dressed in his own Puddlemere Jersey, robes of navy-blue emblazon with two crossed golden bull rushes. He rushed down the stadium, toiling behind his teammates. He was awed with all the sights around him. So many people crowded in one stadium and they all rolled up to see the game. He didn't know what to make of it, whether to be quavering in edginess or just breakdown at the sheer number of the large crowds.

Harry never experienced anything like it.

His heart was thumping rapidly, too loud. He swore anyone in the proximity could hear his heart beating. Not to mention, the crowds were flocking to them, but respectfully gave them a pathway to the changing room for their preparation of the match with Caerphilly Catapults. He was thankful that he was in the middle of the group. That way, no one get to see him. His admittance on being the member of Puddlemere United hasn't leaked out yet as there hasn't been any news regarding it. He steadied his breath, inhaling and exhaling. It's just his luck that the media hadn't discovered anything about him yet. Now, Harry marveled if accepting the offer from Mr. Gandalf was the right thing to do. Gulping at the cheer from the crowds, he imposed his legs to stop shaking. The noise banged against his eardrums powerfully. This is so unlike him at all.

As a hand clamped on one of his shoulders, his body stiffened. Looking over his shoulder, Jocelind Wadcock smiled at the young fellow in front of him. "Nervous, mate?" Harry shook his head, a bit too rapid, not trusting his own voice.

The captain approached him a few days ago along with the other main players. They all congratulated him of his achievements in the team and some were awed because of how fast Harry rose up in just a short amount of time. In all honesty, Harry was flattered with them. What he knew was that the captain was definitely Jocelind Wadcock, the other chaser was the once Holyhead Harpies star chaser, Wilda Griffiths and the oldest player of Puddlemere, Brien Carras, also a chaser. There were two beaters, Maxwell Montmerry and Katy Fonger, the star seeker, Benjy Williams and the skilful keeper, Casper Doukas.

His deep blue eyes glittered in hilarity. "Don't worry, mate. The first time is kind of panicky to everyone else, but you'll be fine after some time. Trust me, you'll get used to it." Harry just nodded his head, though not heeding what Wadcock said to him.

Damn it, he was nervous as hell. He never felt anything like it. He had fewer words with Lord Greengrass in Puddlemere's headquarters wherein it staggered everyone with the exception of Gandalf and Deverill. The man was seeking to ease Harry's nervousness, but it won't do well with him trembling in anxiety all the time. Who wouldn't anyway? With this large crowd watching them, it was nerve breaking. Nonetheless, with all the nervousness building inside him, it gradually ebbed away once he watched the game between Puddlemere United and Caerphilly Catapults. His eyes were like a hawk observing the game, calculating their movements.

He wasn't surprised how spectacular each player played their game given that he attended one of the games before with the Greengrass. He even spotted the snitch after fifteen minutes of the game, though, just hearing the thousands of cheers is breathtaking. Still, he's not ready to play with a thousand pairs of eyes following every of his movement. He preferred to just butt out of it. True to Coach's words, the reserve players have slim chances on playing the game since the main players handle any injuries very well. Harry was relieved after the game ended and Puddlemere won the first game by 840 to 670, going on for two hours and thirty minutes. It's because the snitch was much harder and faster to catch, compared to Hogwarts'.

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