chapter 18

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Chapter 18.

20 June 1993.

It was a peaceful Sunday morning in the Potter mansion. Although it was early in the morning, a lone teenager was bustling over breakfast meals in the kitchen. None of the remaining occupants were wide awake yet, save for the eldest son. Harry Potter was no ordinary teenager, and he knew it quite well. In seldom times, he prided himself for being different than the rest of the people, be it magical or non-magical. He was... how would you put it? Extraordinary? No, extraordinary would be a big word. He would consider himself lucky, not special, not an exceptional or a remarkable young man.

Of course, it's not the type of luck in which grants people a good luck charm in their life. No, for him, it's a bad luck. After knowing the reason of the phenomenal inexplicable things that occurred in his life and the cause of it was none other than of what inside him, it instigated for him to reconsider his life thoroughly. He wondered if it were not for the 'thing' inside him, would the old man have ever taken him under his wing? He wondered if his life would be normal instead. He wondered where he would be now. Would he achieve the many great things in his life? He wondered if his parents would ever neglect him...

He shook his head, disposing of those thoughts. What's done is done. It's meaningless for him to look back his life once it already transpired, there's no point to it. It would only give him the impression of not appreciating everything that came about in his life. There was a celebration held in the Greengrass manor last night. Lady Greengrass was unrelenting in celebrating him and the girls returning from Hogwarts. Of course, Lord Greengrass just allowed the patriarch to do whatever she wants, for fear if he didn't, he would be confronted by his wife's wrath.

Harry chuckled merrily to himself.

How could a well built man, with an air of intimidation and authority, be so fearful of his own wife? William basically shriveled under Elizabeth's own shadow. It's true what they say then. Men ruled the world, yet women ruled over men. William and Elizabeth Greengrass were like parenting figures to Harry. He had known them for over five years now, no thanks to their daughter, Daphne, for introducing him to them.

Harry stirred the noodles in the cooking pan, the large fork in his right hand. He halted the stir and moved to the other pan. He checked the spicy sauce, verifying it as to not overcook. Satisfied, he stepped back from the stove. To snuff out the fire he waved his hand, and then wandlessly cast a charm at a certain pot. It began making tea for him, adding the appropriate amount of sugar and such. He then wriggled out of the apron he was wearing and sat at the table in the kitchen. He lifted a book he had gotten from Callista. It was a Muggle fiction book to be more specific, but Harry found it to be interesting. The sound of someone yawning indolently drifted to his ears, but he wasn't bothered by it.

With messier hair than it normally was, Daniel Potter froze in his tracks, mouth ajar, hand midway to his mouth.

"Brat, stop your ridiculous act and take a seat. Do try to close your mouth too..."

Reddening, the smaller guy wisely locked his mouth. With great caution, Daniel situated himself next to his brother. He watched in amazement as Harry snapped his fingers without looking up from the book he was currently reading. Two plates and two cups came swooping down to position themselves on the table. With another wave, the meals were served and the two cups were filled with hot tea. Without straying his eyes, Harry slurped the noodles. Daniel gazed down the meal, treating it with vigilant, poking the red meatballs. Seeing his brother eating his meal, Daniel followed his action. He munched the noodles happily. He wouldn't admit it, but hell, his brother knew how to cook.

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