chapter 6

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i think we all know by now that i don't own anything

Chapter 6.

24 may 1992.

Harry Potter was lounging in the Ravenclaw common room. The girls were nowhere to be found. He grew weary of strolling aimlessly in the castle, searching for them and so, he elected to take a break in the common room. He used the sensing technique to try and hunt them down, but once he reached his destination of where they were, they ebbed away. He deduced it had side effects from exploiting it too much, or the more logical reason is that they were purposely avoiding him.

He gazed blandly at the blue stars on the ceiling, ignoring the nearby people. Now, sprawling around lazily on one of the sofas in the common room had become something of monotony. He discounted the usual blatant stares he received from girls and fumbled his brain for where his friends could be. His eyes fastened to Clearwater and Li as they descended down the stairs. He hopped to his feet and casually paced towards them. Both girls halted in their tracks, cheeks tainted slightly pink by his mere presence.

"W-what do you want, Potter!" In spite of hissing callously, her eyes betrayed her true emotions. It revealed her admiration for him.

"Don't worry, I won't bother you two." Harry smiled appealingly. "I just wanted to ask if any of you have seen Callista."

"U-m, she said she's going to the library with her girlfriends." Penelope's face was red all over.

"Thank you, you both have been very helpful...Well, I'm going now. Have a good day, both of you." He hid a grin at either of their faces visibly fell. "On second thought, how about the three of us spend nice quality time together, hmm? I know a place where we can be far away from prying eyes... What do you say?" There were gasps from the girls in the common room. Blushes deepening further, they shuttered their words out, ignorant to the girls that were glaring daggers at them. "But... as time is not on our side, I have to leave. Enjoy your day, ladies, I'll see you two around."

He hurled one last wink at them and he carried himself out of the common room, heading to the library straight away. Paying no attention to his surroundings, he nonchalantly sauntered towards the library. In the library, he spotted them instantaneously with all the color of their hair. Ducking his head, he crept up on them, hoping to not let them know of his presence. They were whispering about something, and he was certain they were concealing something from him.

"...cannot allow Harry to know what we are doing, he'll be furious..." was the last whisper from Callista.

Permitting his presence to be known, he procured a seat. "What are you doing?" The girls repressed their shrieks of surprise.

"Potter, are you trying to kill us?" Daphne hissed viciously.

"Don't do that, Harry! You're going to give us heart attacks!" Sheila said. "I'm too young to have a heart attack!"

"You mean die? I wouldn't mind if it was you, you would be doing the world a favor..." Daphne inserted. Sheila chucked a contempt look at her.

"Uh huh, that trick isn't going to work on me. Don't change the topic, now. I want to know what you girls have been up to lately." Harry's eyes narrowed. "Alright, spit it out."

"N-nothing!" Harry arched an eyebrow at Regine's slight stammer and obvious lie.

"Alright..." Callista confessed, sighing.

"Callista?" Daphne asked hesitantly. "You sure?"

"Oh, he's going to be angry now," Sheila muttered.

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