chapter 13

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do i have to tell everyone that i don't own hp or this fic EVERY chapter??? also how is it that chapter 9 has 46 views and chapter 10 has 67 views ??

Chapter 13.

20 September 1992.

After the Hogsmeade trip, Harry made the decision to talk to Sheila alone.

He would attempt to knock some sense into her. He convinced the girls that Sheila would be back to her cheerful and perky self first thing in the morning. In spite of his promise, Harry was so confident that it led the girls to be doubtful of his words. How was Harry going to change Sheila back to herself in just one night? She had really seemed hurt. Striding his way to his dorm, Harry discerned the presence of his roommates. He casually opened his trunk and grabbed his Nimbus 2001. Ensuring he wasn't being watched by his roommates, he wandlessly shrunk his broom and crammed the now tiny object into one of his pockets. He then whistled a familiar tune and swept out of the room.

Hands clasped behind his back, he bounced along the hall and continued down the stairs. Informing Callista he'd be back prior to curfew, he shuffled his way out of the common room before she could utter a word. Without another thought, Harry sauntered to the seventh floor. Paying no heed to his surroundings, he directly approached the Fat Lady's portrait. He smirked as he knew that the portrait covered the entrance to the Gryffindor Tower. Oh yes, from time to time, he would accompany one of the girls to their house common room, but it was mostly Regine. He rarely went to the Gryffindor or the Slytherin common room.

"Harry!" the Fat Lady squeaked excitedly, pressing herself forward and at the same time futilely struggling to get out of the frame. Frantically, she snatched small mirror from within her gown and checked her appearance. After finishing that, she batted her eyelashes suggestively at him. "What brings you here, Harry?"

Harry's lips twitched and he greatly restrained the urge to grin. "That's a secret..." He laid a finger on his lips and winked at her.

The Fat Lady giggled shamelessly, blushing at how appealing he was. Without any qualms, he was certainly an eye-candy for the females in Hogwarts, particularly those admiring him from behind picture frames. The Fat Lady supposed he had inherited most of his genes from his mother side. But she couldn't deny that a portion of Harry's good looks came from his father's handsome face.

"So, may I enter?"

In an instant, she switched her giddy antics into solemnity. "I don't know, Harry. This tower is for lions only. It would be violating the rules if I allow you in. If you do wish to enter, at the very least a Gryffindor should accompany you."

"Ah, come on, no harm in breaking a few rules..." Harry pouted. "Nobody will know. This is just between the two of us. I'll tell everybody that I entered the Gryffindor Tower another way..."

"Oh, I don't know, Harry..." She couldn't help but giggle madly. Looking at him again, she surrendered. "Oh, alright...but nobody will know of this, got it?"

"Of course. It will be an intimate secret just between the two of us..." Harry winked.

After more giggling and blushing, the portrait swung open. Harry stepped inside the Gryffindor common room. He wouldn't tell anyone alright, but the Gryffindors weren't stupid enough to miss him entering their common room by way of the portrait. It would be clearly seen that the Fat Lady permitted Harry to enter the lion's den. He scanned the common room, but still no one took notice of his arrival. The usual tapestries, paintings, and decorations were all still there. The place was exactly like it was the last time he came.

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