POV: Sam's Mom
When Sam called me I was almost sure there was something wrong. I though he lost Levi or something crazy like that. Lucky for all of us, he was just flirting. Sam always loved to be around girls and flirt with them. Basically he was the ladies man since he was born. This is no surprise to me, and I think it's cute, what he's trying to do for Zoe. He builds up girls self-esteem, and I like that about him. He's also very respectful around and about girls.
I decide to wrap up at work, and get on a bus. About 10 minutes later, I'm at my house. I see Zoe and Sam cooking some pasta? I though she couldn't have pasta since has diabetes. Maybe it's gluten free pasta?
"Hey Sam, hello Zoe," I say.
"Hello Ms. Pottorff," Zoe says. I always love her, she was so polite.
"Hey mom, we're making pasta with broccoli and breaded chicken," Sam says.
"Sounds amazingly delicious! Where's Levi?" I ask.
"He's upstairs playing in his room," Zoe says.
"Wow, I'm impressed Sam! Maybe you should get a job at the daycare with Zoe," I say.
"I'll think about it for next year," Sam says.
"Well we are running out of people now, why don't you ask?" Zoe asks Sam.
"I'll go in on Monday and ask," Sam says. Zoe is a good influence in Sam too! I really hope they date. What would there ship name be? Maybe Zam? Or Sae?POV: Sam
Well my mom just helped me get a job and possibly get closer to a girl! My mom is the best.
Zoe and I finish up making dinner and then call down my mom and brother. The pasta was great, the broccoli was done perfectly, and the chicken was amazing beyond words. Zoe is a great cook. After we finish eating, I take everybody's dishes and clean them. After a moment, Zoe comes into the kitchen.
"Hey, do you need some help with those dishes?" Zoe asks.
"No beautiful, I'm almost done," I say in response.
"Okay, so what are we going to do after you finish dishes?" Zoe asks.
"Well, I should probably take you on a tour of the house, and maybe film a video for my main channel or my collaboration channel," I say in response.
"Great babe!" Zoe says.
Then I finish up with the dishes, and take her on a tour of my house. I bring her bag up to my room and we hang out for a bit.I decide to make a video with her. I set up the camera, and lights. She sits down on my bed with me. "Tweet my questions for my #asksamandzoe with my friend@zoexoxo"
The questions came rolling in and Zoe got about 500 more followers on Twitter. Then we decide to film a video. There was a bunch of questions about why do I know her and she should kill herself, but then there was some questions that we could answer.After we finished the video it was only 9:30. We decided to quickly go downstairs and get some snacks so we could stay up and watch movies and TV shows and eat. Then we had to be quite while we walked up the carpeted stairs. We got to my room and shut the door silently, and sat down. Lucky for us we could make as much noise as we wanted to (mostly) and nobody could he a thing from the outside. My mom had some rooms sound proofed, and my room was one of them.
We sat down on my bed. I could feel that Zoe was a bit scared. I decided that we should watch a movie. Zoe suggested TFIOS. As the gentleman that I am, I agreed. I also agreed because I love the movie.
POV: Zoe
After we grabbed snacks, I decided we should watch The Fault In Our Stars. It's my favorite movie, and I might sound like a common white girl but I love a good romantic movie. Sam got TFIOS before the release date (I don't know why) and he is even more attractive. We pop some popcorn and we cuddle. He starts the movie on his TV in his room, and we watch.
Again let me explain how we were watching the movie. I was lying down on my side and he was behind me. It was basically spooning. He had his arms around my waist (so I wouldn't fall of his bed) and his head was in the crook of my neck. I felt really comfy and safe with him there. I wonder how sleeping tonight is going to work? The movie is starting now shut up and watch the best movie ever made.
After the movie was done, I was in a very emotional state of mind. Sam and I really wanted to stay up a bit longer. It was about 11:00 when we finished TFIOS. We didn't know what to watch so we played truth or dare. We got this app on my iPad and played. It had som pretty weird ones on the dirtiest setting, so we started out on the lowest setting.
After an hour a lot had happened. We talked about my diet (because I have diabetes type 1 and I also had to explain why I could eat the bread chicken(it was because I used a non-gluten bread crumbs)), who we would bang if we had to (FMK), and we might if had a make out session....Okay we made out and it was amazing. The game said make out with the most attractive thing in the room. It was Sam's dare and he took my head and genially pulled my head to his. We made out for maybe 30 seconds. After it was sorta awkward.
We looked each other in the eyes and I said "Sam, do you like me?"
"Yes Zoe I like you. You are an amazing person and I think your attractive too," Sam said.
"Well, do you want to go out on a date?" I ask.
"I though today was a date? We spent today hanging out and watching movies. Plus, we swam. I've seen you basically in a bra and underwear! And we're going to be sleeping in the same bed tonight!" Sam said to me.
"True. Oh gosh well what do we do next?" I ask.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Sam asks.
"Yes I would Mr. Pottorff," I say to Sam.
We both laugh and we go back to cuddling.****authors note****
Hello all of my readers. I haven't been posting any authors notes at the end of my chapters. Like my chapters and comment?❤️ Do you think I could get to 50 reads by the end of the week?

Living a New Life with Sam Pottorff
FanfictionAfter Sam and Acacia broke up, Sam became really depressed and moved to Floria. He has to go to this new schools, that he hates. He meets a girl named Zoe. Things happen between Sam and Zoe. Does it work out? Or does it fail? Read to find out what h...