f i f t e e n

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a s h

Curfew was four hours after sunset, I stayed with Maven until then because I knew Adam was too busy to talk to me and had valid excuses not to answer my questions but when I saw him making his way back towards our home I fell into step beside him.

"When can I start working around here, I shouldn't be considered a citizen if I don't do my part." I began. I didn't want to dive into the "is my brother the bad guy" question just yet.

"Your part is helping me not lose my mind." Adam mumbled and rubbed his eyes with his palm. He looked at me and opened the door to our trailer.

"I need to ask you something, and I need you to answer it. You can't just make up an excuse to not answer, I know you and I know you aren't going to want me to know." I said and Adam walked into his room, pulling off his shirt and stretching.

"If you're planning on asking me something stupid then of course I'm going to ignore you." He looked at me and rubbed his eyes again. For the first time I noticed a long scar going across his side and another on his chest.

"Where'd you get those scars?" I leaned against the door frame and waited for his reply. He was rummaging through his pile of clothes searching for something comfortable to throw on.

"Ask me something else and I'll answer it." He said and slid a black shirt that was ripped at the shoulder slightly.

"Is that mine?" I glared at him. He shrugged and pushed past me. "Why don't you like the other camp, what did they do to you?"

"Do you ever ask normal questions? How was your day Adam? Did you bond with Adrian today? What's for dinner, Adam?" Adam opened a cabinet and pulled out a can of asparagus.

"I'm serious. Maven told me some things but I want you to tell me exactly why you hate the camp." I crossed my arms over my chest and sat at the dining table. Adam opened the fridge and poured two glasses of milk. He handed me one and separated the raw asparagus onto two plates and plopping a handful of blueberries on one plate. He handed me the plate with the blueberries and sat down across from me with his plate of asparagus.

"I don't hate the entire camp, just certain people." He stated and refused to look me in the eye.

"Okay, then who?" I shifted in my seat. Adam sighed and glared at me.

"I can't tell you because you will go batshit crazy and try to leave and attack someone or get yourself killed. We keep peace by keeping things to ourself." Adam usually spoke to me with a serene voice but right now he sounded aggravated and tired but I wasn't stopping until I got answers.

"I just need to know that my family is safe." I forced him to meet my gaze.

"Your family is safe but that girl that saved your life might not be. I don't know what goes down at that camp Ashton, I just know what they do when they aren't taking no for an answer." Adam kept his gaze on me and continued. "I'm keeping you here for your own safety, if you don't understand that it's fine but you aren't leaving without someone by your side."

"So come with me."

"I have to lead my people but I can think of a few that would be willing to help. I can help you get the girl here but if I see Holden's face I'll kill him." Adam watched me prudently. "Just promise me that you won't stay at that camp if you visit."

"So it's my brother that you have problems with." I egged him on leaning against the table eagerly. Adam dropped his head onto his hand in frustration.

"I'm not answering anymore questions, do you want me to let you save your girlfriend or not?"

"Last time someone told me they couldn't go with me, I almost died." I said but nodded and stayed silent while we both finished eating. Asparagus was never my favorite but during the apocalypse you learn to be grateful for whatever is on your plate. Adam finished his food and without another word he walked into his bedroom and closed the door behind him. I couldn't figure out how he felt about this. I wasn't sure if he was mad, concerned, happy to help, or all of those at once. I just prayed Colman would willingly go back with me, and I would give anything to take Asher too but I didn't want to separate him from his own mother and father. I had a lot to think about and sleeping just wasn't one of those things.

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