t w e n t y f o u r

16 2 5

a s h

"Colman is in the room beside us, I can get her out but I need to see Benji. Can you get him here?" I whispered to the doctor boy that looked way to young to be a professional, he had to be about sixteen.

"Okay! We're leaving. His arm is wrapped and checked, let's go Ethan." Holden pulled Ethan away from me and dragged him out of the room before he could nod or give me some type of indication that he'd get Benji here.

"What are you thinking? What's your plan?" Adrian asked me. He picked at the fresh cloth wrapped around his wrist.

"Let's just say, I'm willing to do whatever I need to get you and the girls out of here." I shrugged. Adrian's eyes widened and he opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off. "I know what I'm doing just don't interfere."

"If I go back to camp without you Adam is going to be devastated. You're his best friend Ashton, think about him when you go through with this idiotic plan." Adrian met my gaze and waited for my reply. "I know you, and I know what you mean by doing whatever is needed to get us out."

"I won't die, but if I do, if you survive I want—"

"If we survive. I'm not leaving this camp without you." Adrian didn't break eye contact but I did. I started uncomfortably picking on my shoe laces. I'd never forgive myself if Adrian and the girls stayed in this camp, I had to get them out whether Adrian wanted me to or not.

"If you survive, do not let Adam step foot in this camp. I don't care if you have to tie him down, he can be here if I'm alive but if I'm dead they'll kill him." I held up my pointer finger to signal I wasn't finished. "And, swear you'll get Maven and Colman out. I know Colman, she won't leave without me unless you drag her out and if it comes to that you need to do it."

"If you'd tell me what your plan is we could think of a rational way to go about this, a plan that doesn't end with your death." Adrian wasn't letting up but neither was I.

"Okay, I promise I won't die. I'll meet you at Adam's camp but you have to trust me. This will not work if you don't trust me." I lied. I lied so damn hard I swear my nose grew. This plan revolves around my death, I just needed Adrian to believe I'd get out alive so he wouldn't get in the way. Adrian was silent but the silence told me exactly what he couldn't. He trusted me, but his gut told him not to. Yeah, always trust your gut. "Do you trust me?"

"Yeah, okay. I trust you but if you don't survive I don't know how I'll keep Adam away from your brother. He's wanted to kill Holden for over a year but he always held himself back, but if he hears that you're dead then nothing will stop him." Adrian said. I just nodded. I didn't blame Adam, if my brother killed him or Colman I'd go batshit crazy too. I moved away from Adrian and lied on my back on the cold wooden floor. I had to think...think of some way to keep everyone alive. The only way I could do that was if I died. I couldn't see the clouds. My meditation method wasn't working in this hellhole. I couldn't relax without clouds, I already knew that I won't sleep tonight. I wondered if that bearded guy was still in the cabin, for all I knew he lived here. I prayed that doctor boy wasn't a coward, if he could get Benji here then I'd know if my plan was rational or not. Benji would tell me everything I needed to know and if he won't I'm already screwed. I sat up and walked towards the extremely small window on the wall furthest from the door and looked up at the green sky. The sky was clear and there wasn't a single cloud in sight. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I saw a familiar figure running towards the window. It was the doctor boy...he came back. I smiled. He was winded when he reached the window, prying it open with his fingers. Adrian was now standing next to me watching as the boy caught his breath.

"There's no way Holden will let Benji in here but I told him you wanted to talk to him. He gave me this and told me to give it to you," The boy unclipped a walkie-talkie from his pants and slid it through the window. "He'll be listening."

"You are amazing. Thank you so much." I wish I could just climb through the window hug him. I'd never been so happy to receive a walkie-talkie in my life. "Hey, what's your name?"

"Ethan." He replied before yelling "oh!" and dig into his pockets to find something else. He pulled a screwdriver from his pocket and handed it through the window to Adrian.

Adrian grinned. "Oh hell yeah!" He slapped his hand against Ethan's grinning like a maniac.

"I cannot thank you enough Ethan, we'll get Colman out I promise and if you want to leave this camp you're always welcome at Adam's. All you have to do is say you're a friend of mine and he'll let you in." I said shaking Ethan's hand like we'd just made a business deal.

"I've gotta go before someone sees me, good luck!" He yelled and took off running back from the way he came. Adrian and I exchanged a glance before bursting out into joyful laughs. We could do this, Adrian and the girls could get out.

I ran to to the door and pressed my ear against to see if I could hear anyone on the other side. Silence. I moved to farthest corner away from the door and pushed down the button on the walkie to speak.

"Benji? You hear me?" I whispered into the walkie. Out of the corner of my eye I watched Adrian fiddling with the screwdriver in his palm. After a few minutes of static Benji's voice came through.

"I'm here."

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