s e v e n t e e n

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a s h

At one point that night Adam found me asleep on the table and woke me up making me go to my room like I was a little kid. After I'd fell asleep in my cot in my room my dreams were filled with dark twists. At first, I'd dreamt of going back to camp happily and being reunited with my family. Then, it started with Colman then shifted to Rory, they were all turning right in front of my eyes becoming lurkers and their only intention was to feast and kill. My dream ended when I stuck out my hand and let Colman bite down onto my wrist. I woke up in a sweat before I turned. My heart was pounding and my hair was glued to my face with sweat. I heard my door creak open and Adam stood there with Adrian behind him. I felt my face flush in embarrassment but I pushed my hair away from my eyes and curled up onto my cot with my back facing them.

"God you need a haircut." Adam stated and grabbed my arm so he could physically drag me out of bed. I halfheartedly followed him into the kitchen where he pulled out a chair at the table. I sat down and he opened one of the kitchen drawers and pulled out a pair of scissors. I instinctively pulled away when he got close.

"I don't need a haircut." I said and grabbed Adam's hand defensively to keep the scissors away.

"You kind of do." Adrian shrugged. He pulled his bag off of his shoulder and dug through it before he found a cracked handheld mirror. He showed me my reflection. My black hair had grown over my ears and my bangs were in my eyes even if I pushed them to the side. Considering the fact that I'd just woke up, my hair was tangled into knots on top of my head so once it was brushed it'd probably seem longer.

"I don't trust you with scissors." I said to Adam. He scoffed.

"You trust me when I have a gun at my side but not a pair of scissors?" He said when all of the sudden we heard a light knock at the door. Adrian approached the door and cracked it open but opened it further when he saw who it was. Maven stepped into the trailer and I instinctively tried to comb the knots out of my hair with my fingers.

"I just came by to ask when we were leaving to go to the other camp?" Maven said and smiled at me. I looked up at Adam.

"She's not going." I said to him and he knit his eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean she's not going? She volunteered." Adam said and walked behind me trying to continue his forced haircut but I turned back to where I could face him.

"She's not going." I repeated more sternly and glanced at Maven who's expression slowly dropped.

"I want to go." She said but I shook my head.

"I don't know how they'll react when they see me so I don't want you to be there if it turns sour." I said and grabbed Adam's hand once again to keep the scissors he held away from my hair.

"They're your people so they shouldn't hurt you, if I'm by your side then you can protect me." Maven shrugged.

"If it makes you feel any better Adrian's going too." Adam said and pried my hand off his wrist. "Now let me cut your rats nest."

"No, I don't want you guys getting hurt." I said and pulled my head away from Adam.

"Someone has to go with you or you aren't going at all." Adam said and finally placed the scissors on the table in defeat.

"Fine, I'll take Adrian but Maven stays." I said. Maven crossed her arms over her chest and glared at me.

"I'll make Maven stay if you let me give you a haircut." Adam shot me a fake toothy smile. I glared at him. "Either Maven goes or you get a haircut." He shrugged and picked up the scissors.

"I hate you." I mumbled and he smiled.

"I'm aware." With that, he started cutting my hair happily humming to himself. Maven angrily left the trailer without another word. Adrian started teaching me medical techniques like he'd promised. He taught me how to make a tourniquet properly with proper items, and how to put together a makeshift cast. He walked me through which medicine could be use for what injury, and how to insert medicine through someone's veins if need be.

While we were talking about antibiotics, Adam folded my ear so he could cut being it and I cringed away from him once again.

"Oh relax you big baby." Adam said and pulled me back to where I was. "You lost your finger to a rabid dog, was held at gunpoint, had your wrist slit, and yet you're afraid of me clipping your ear." Adam scoffed and went back to cutting behind my ear. After about ten minutes of Adam and I arguing, he finished his forced haircut and grabbed his brother's mirror to show me. My hair was clipped short around my ears and sides of my head but at the top it stuck up about two inches. I looked like my brother. I nodded to Adam and he grinned.

"Okay, you two can leave for your rescue mission whenever your ready." Adam said to Adrian and I. "Do you have your screwdriver?" Adam asked Adrian, He nodded. Adam looked at me for a moment then ran into his bedroom only to come back seconds later with a samurai sword.

"Where did you get that?" I said examining the sword in complete awe.

"I used to collect them before the world ended, most of them were stolen from me but I managed to keep this one." Adam said and handed it to me. "Just use it to protect yourself, don't kill anyone unless it's necessary." I nodded and excitedly examined the sword in my hands. It fit perfectly into my palm and it wasn't too heavy. The handle was red with beads imbedded in the leather. It was beautiful, much more stylish than a kitchen knife. I looked at Adrian, he slung his bag over his shoulder and nodded at me signaling he was ready to go. I looked at Adam, and before I could react he grabbed my hand and pulled me into a comforting hug.

Adrian and I exchanged another determined look and stepped out of my home, making our way to the gates.

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