Chapter 5

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Gon woke up to the sound of birds chirping monotonously. As the high pitch sound of birds kept ringing into his ears, he looked beside him. Unexpectedly disappointed at the sight of no one to his side. He knew Yeong had left the room that early midnight, yet he hoped he would've came back. But, he didn't. That just let Gon feeling the guilt build up into his chest.

"If I had not acted that way towards him, he wouldn't have been weirded out. "

Gon blamed himself for ruining his own moment with Yeong. He had indeed tried to keep his feelings towards the younger one a secret. But everytime he saw him, he couldn't hold back but flirt with him constantly.

That was a big mistake, since Yeong didn't seem to like Gon's action that night.

Even though Gon meant no bad intentions, the cold and serious bodyguard seemed uncomfortable. In his eyes, atleast.

Gon decided he would apologize to Yeong, for taking things a bit too far. Even if he was the King he knew best Yeong wasn't interested in him, in any way. He's just serving him as a polite bodyguard, like any other.

He knows he should stop flirting. Yeong doesn't like when he does. He will stop taking things to far, his Yeong-ah doesn't like it. Even with his serious and blank expression he could notice the disgust in Yeong's face whenever he joked, in a flirty way.

Little did he know... Yeong was disgusted at himself for getting flustered by Gon's comments... He wouldn't get disgusted by Lee Gon, never.

But he didn't know that.

Lee Gon was on his way to Yeong. He was greeted a 'Good Morning.' from everyone, as always. He just greeted them as usual. Asked a few if they knew where Yeong was, and they responded back, giving him the answer he wanted to hear.

As he made his way, he spotted a... girl? Ah, it looks like the one Yeong-ah hired to help him settle some case. He quickly looked beside the girl, hoping to find Yeong. Which he was indeed there, laughing, and acting... Adorable.

Gon couldn't help but stare at him, for what seemed hours. He wondered if that was even his Yeong-ah, his blankly, expressionless bodyguard. He seemed like a completely different person.

Lee Gon never got to see this side of Jo Yeong. He thought they knew eachother perfectly. Yet... The woman next to him seemed just fine, like she knew Yeong for ages, just like Gon does.

It pissed him off. The fact that he's laughing with her, even after he had tried to make Yeong atleast smile. Which he wasn't successful. To know that he didn't know his Yeong-ah as much as this 'Random woman' did. He was completely pissed. Wanting to be the one to know Yeong the most. No, he needed to be the one. Yet, after all these years, he didn't succeed.

He didn't like to see his Yeong with another person. Even worst if they seemed close, and having 'fun'.

As he stopped spacing out, he was already going towards them.

Gon took Yeong's hand, harshly. Without looking back, he led Yeong to a hall. He was already a bit relieved he took Yeong away from her, but he still felt... Jealous?

Lee gon turned his head, facing a confused looking Jo Yeong.

"Ah- Your Highness.. Are you here to give me another task?" Said Yeong, getting rid of his now gone smile.

"The it goes again. " Said Lee Gon, coldly.

"Um, wha-"

"You seemed cheerful over there"

"Oh, that. She's a childhood friend of mine... we were just-"

"So you don't consider me a 'friend', is that it?" Lee Gon spoke, once again.

"What- Of course I do, Your Majesty." Said a confused Yeong.

"Yet, you're avoiding me. "

"I was busy-" he got interrupted again.

"But you weren't as busy to hang out with that friend of yours"

"That is... It was just work. " Yeong explained.

"When you're doing your job, you never smile at me like that."

Yeong avoided eye contact.

"Well... It's quite difficult to have a smile at times like th-"

Yeong got cut off, as he got pushed into the wall. Gon's hand slowly intertwining with his own. Right after feeling a pair of lips smash into his.

He could feel himself melt into the kiss. It was filled with passion...


What am I doing?

What is he doing?!

We shouldn't be doing this.

Right after he felt a little bite into his bottom lip, he quickly pushed Gon away from himself. Wiping a bit of saliva the two had left.

As the two were already far apart. Yeong quickly spoke.

"Y-your Highness... Why...? You drank, didn't you?!"

"You have to stop drinking so early in the morning! You even confused me with whoever your lover is right now!" Said Yeong, breathing heavily. Still not seeming to believe what just happened between the two.

Gon stared at Yeong in disbelief. He still couldn't take Gon seriously. That bothered him.

Yeong tried to act calm, as he felt his hopes go down. He couldn't like the King in any romantic way. Yet, he almost deepened the kiss. Wanting more, and more. But he knew the King didn't mean it, as he thought he was drunk.

"I don't drink at early mornings. Even if I did, it doesn't affect me. You know that, Yeong-ah. "

"There wouldn't be another reasonable motive for that..."

"There is. " Gon started.

"You with that woman, looking so happy... I didn't like it, Yeong-ah."


"It didn't look like a simple job arrangement. I didn't like that."

Yeong stared deeply into Gon's eyes. Still not understanding what he meant.

"The reason I did this... It's because I may have got jea-"

"Your Highness."

A Royal guard called. Interrupting the King and Captain Jo.

"We were looking everywhere for you. The meeting time has been changed. If you don't hurry you'll might be late, unfortunately. Please head this way, Your Highness."

As the Royal Guard spoke, in a mannered way. Yeong couldn't process what happened. He didn't understand, and he didn't get to since they were interrupted.

Gon couldn't help but go his way, without looking back. Leaving Yeong dumb founded.

Was it really an 'accidental thing' or did he really mean his actions...?

To be continued

(Sorry it's short, been having less time lately.)

"Secret Romance" Lee Gon x Jo YeongWhere stories live. Discover now