Chapter 6

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The silence inside the fancy looking car, made me get lost inside my thoughts, once again. As much as I didn't want to over think, or most likely remember about what happened earlier, I still fell into the hole of massive thoughts. Each of them coming one after another. Giving me a slight headache.

I, myself, couldn't believe my own actions. The outcome out of this, the consequences. Which were probably a beloved person resulting to hate me. All because I got mad at the past situation. My foolish doings. When it comes to Yeong-ah... I always mess up. As much as people consider me an intelligent, brilliant, talented, bright King; I'm the total opposite around Yeong.

I laid my head on the window, hitting it slightly on the border of it. Blankly looking at the outsides, the blue soft sky reflecting itself on the glass material opening. I would be admiring it if I wasn't on this current state right now.

"Would he hate me now...?"

I murmured through my thoughts. Still placed in the exact same position, I touched my slightly swollen lips. This obviously leading me to the moment where we kissed. I acted like a child, resentful at something so...stupid? All they were doing was laughing with eachother, smiling. Throughout those giggles the one I focused on was clearly him. I felt my heart beat faster, as it warmed up to the sight. Yet, I had to interrupt the joyful moment. Letting my envious side take over me. Not only did I act like a kid, I also forced him to do something he probably didn't like, or didn't even want to do so.

I know it was wrong, it was without warning, placing my lips over his. I'm aware it was an improper doing. But who am I to lie, I enjoyed it.

Here I go again. So what if I enjoyed, liked, or even loved it? That doesn't mean he did. He was indeed shocked, afterwards. I probably broke our friendship. I'm surprised I didn't break it sooner though. After all of my attempts of flirting towards him, he stood by my side. No matter how annoying I might looked in his eyes, he stayed with me. And here I am, acting so ungrateful.

If their cherish moment was occasionally a sight of liking eachother, I shouldn't get myself involved in it. I should stop setting my nose on Yeong-ah's business. He has a life of his own, I can't trespass it and act like I own it. To be honest, I have a life of my own too. It being my responsibilities, and look out for another member to rule beside me. Even if I had a chance with Yeong in the first place... It wouldn't be accepted. Everything would shatter, into tiny, small, unnoticeable pieces. Everyone would dislike it, we  would look like fools, weird as for being together. I don't wanna give Yeong-ah a life like that, he doesn't deserve it. I don't know where my mind was while thinking I had a chance with him in the first place. I'm actually glad he turned out to dislike my actions, or not care about them at all. If he had fallen for me just like I did with him, it would just hurt in the end. Knowing we wouldn't end up together, our path being separated by strict laws.

I'm okay if I am the only one hurting, this is my fate after all, to find my Queen and rule over the kingdom. I'll just leave him alone from know on, he'll be as happy as he acted earlier.


He left.

After doing such thing, he just left me?

I looked at his back, stared until he disappeared from my sight. Not long after I felt a long breath escape from my mouth, which I didn't notice I was holding.

That kiss, what was it meant for...?

"Are you not coming, Captain?"

Some guard asked, making Yeong flinch out of surprisement, not knowing he was there.

"Uh... Well... " Said Yeong, trying to look for an answer.

"Are you not feeling well, Captain? You look as if you were sick. You should rest for a bit, his Majesty will probably need you for more special, dangerous occasions.."

"It will be better if you take  care of yourself at this right moment so you don't get ill."

The guard finished, giving Yeong a nod, as for reassuring it was okay to rest for a bit.

"I'm not...- Well actually, I think a break would be indeed helpful. " Yeong answered back, deciding to rest his thoughts instead. He was red, and acted weird, But he wasn't sick.

"Alright, I'll set up the guards and inform about the occasion." The guard spoke.

"I'll leave it to you then" Said Yeong.

The guard gave him another nod before vanishing. Leaving Yeong now officially alone.


It has been days, yet everything seemed to be normal.

Yeong didn't try to ask his Majesty about the incident, he didn't have the guts to do so. He just waited for his King, to bring up the topic himself. But he didn't, he never did. And acted as if nothing ever happened. Not only that, but he wasn't even being playful with Yeong anymore. He focused himself  on work, and work only. Not once did he joke with Yeong, leaving him confused. He understood the King's duties, all of them being super important, meaning he was focusing on them. It was his job after all, so he understood. But... Can that explain what's happening right now?!

"What do you mean, Your Majesty?" Said Yeong, feeling a sweat drop down his forehead.

"It'll be better for you to exchange places, plus it would be helpful and secure." Gon assured.

"But, Your Majesty... I'm your unbreakable sword, I'm meant to be protecting you. How am I supposed to leave your side just for-"


Jo Yeong stood straight, as he was close to lose his cool a second ago.

"You're still my unbreakable sword... I'll just have you guard the entrance for a while, you're aloud to come back after some weeks." Lee Gon explained, with a deep, and low voice.

Yeong didn't understand, he couldn't get it. Did he do something wrong? Or is it somehow affiliated to what happened a few days ago? Either way, he had no right to deny.

He gulped, accepting the King's order. "Yes, Your Majesty."

Lee Gon couldn't stop staring at the door. He'd hope Yeong came in, denying his order, coming back to him. But he knew for sure he wouldn't do that. Yeong is obedient when it comes to his job, and he knows it very well. He left just a while ago, yet look at Gon, already missing him. Not being able to accept the fact that his Yeong-ah wasn't going to be the one protecting him all the time now.

It was the right decision, yet why does it feel like it isn't? Even if he was the one who made it, he felt like it was wrong, in a way. He couldn't explain it. But he didn't care, atleast he told himself he didn't. This was all he could do, take him as far as he could. So he'd forget him.

To be continued

"Secret Romance" Lee Gon x Jo YeongWhere stories live. Discover now